Super Freak
tell me about it...when I went to UFC 88...the people sitting around me were some of the biggest racists and giving my wife crap and then when Rashad knocked out Chuck...you dont even want to know the things they were yelling...
Well my wife is half korean, and she brought a Korean flag to hold up when Kim Dong Hyun was fighting (who we ended up meeting, really cool), but yeah the dude was flipping the bird over the flag and then somone threw ice at us and the guys next to me kept saying "chinks dont win fights" and said something like "you gotta eat more than rice
to get strong" and my wife was getting all upset and stuff...not to mention the guys behind us were yelling "White Power" and when Rashad knocked out Chuck I was excited and the guy next to me looks at me and goes "I dont want no n*****r as a champion" I ignored him pretty much, but yeah most of the people around us were drunk needless to say...
Did you go psycho killer on them? People are so friggin stupid. Jeez, UFC needs to start doing some screening cause that is horrible. No need for any of that kinda talk. And I'm sure they would say they arent racist. If they mic'd the crowd, I dont know what Dana would say about the comments coming from these people.
And give your wife a sexy hug from me.