Nog's only 32 and Randy was the man who beat father time. I think its an even match. I would pick Nog but I don't know what these guys got left.
I think these guys from other country's lie about there age cause Nog looks like he's 50. He was probably born in the woods so I doubt he has a birth certificate.
Where did you see that Couture agreed to Nog?
Edit: Good news guys, Josh Koscheck is still ranked at No. 4 even though he lost. He's still ranked because they said that everyone gets caught with a good punch, and as frequent as Koscheck was fighting, it was boung to happen.
"Good news"!? Maybe for YOU, you Kos fan.
Kos is a machine though, he's gonna fight AGAIN at UFC 98. Opponent is TBD. Nice to see he's not gun shy. Some people get KTFO and don't fight for months/at least a year.
i wouldn't trust wikipedia if i was you.
Kos said:I have 13 weeks of training camp for my next fight May 23rd at UFC 98 in Las Vegas.
Kos said:The training for my fight on May 23rd at UFC 98 starts Monday, March 2nd at 11:30am. Keep checking back for my video blog on my training camp. . . Road to 98!
Kos said:P.S I don't care who I fight at UFC 98, I hope it's someone super tough and someone that is ranker in the top of the weight class. . . if anyone wants to step up, I will be ready to go!
What makes you think I do!?
As far as I know, that's Josh Koscheck's personal website and those are his statements about fighting at UFC 98.
Daaammnn, did y'all see the Mike Brown Fight last night?