Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

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does it seem like a lot of health was taken away from the characters? feels like i am either killing or dying from one combo.
i have never used phoenix. every time i use a bnb combo followed by one dhc, it almost always leads to a death. this never happened in vanilla.
Ten and two in ranked...one of the losses was to hawkeye, ryu, and akuma who literally did nothing but spam... Hawkeye shoots too quickly on simple mode lol
hawkeye is the new spam machine, but i have more trouble punishing ghost riders who stay in the corner and spray their chain
ghost rider cannot shoot across the screen or vertically and is significantly slower than Hawkeye...

Ghost rider is good for running down the clock, Hawkeye is good for simple mode lol
had some great matches earlier with stang! you other guys need to get on XBL so we can get a lobby going!

Had a great time sorry I had to leave so soon and yeah the rset of you guys need to jump on board this is a great game and would be even more fun if we could get a room of eight people together I got a couple things to takecare of and then I should be on nick.
lol i thought you got pissed when you left all of a sudden

Nah I had a great time playing it was really fun had the dog barking its ass off so I took the dog for a walk and let it do its buisness lol. Then when I did get back on I played modernwarfare 3. Im ggoing to go make myself some lunch then I should be on
you bums need to get online! stang is the only one that's been getting his butt kicked regularly ;) he wants a break for his thumbs!

How bout I put my thumbs up your candy ass lol and yes the rest of you guys need to get this awsome game . At least I'm making you earn those wins nick had some great battles earlier today