So far I have yet to see a bad Spider-Man show and that includes Ultimate Spider-Man. Once I saw written by Paul Dini in the credits I knew I was in for a good show. This did not disappoint. This is some of the best animation I've seen from a Marvel show in recent years. I hope we get to see the Ultimates because I think this animation is better than the Avengers animation. I kinda like the small change they made to his suit, I love that he fought the Frightful Four, I never thought I'd see Thundra in a cartoon that didn't have the Hulk or She-Hulk in it.
Stan Lee actually looks like Stan Lee in this series. To me, this was a nice way to transition from the awesome Spectacular Spider-Man. I can't wait to see next week's episode.
With such a talented group behind it I feel confident that we'll see USM doing some of the stuff from the comic like fight the Hulk, fight Deadpool, team up with the X-Men, be forced to join the Sinister Six and battle the Ultimates on the front yard of the White House. This series has so much potential and the right people to make it happen.