WOAH WOAH WOAH, does the collectors edition mean that SSC has licensing to do Uncarted collectibles? like a Full Premium Format of Nathan Drake.
We got Kratos, Issac Clarke is next, then perhaps Drake?
____ YEAH!![]()
Chloe and Elena are in the game... confirmed and shown at E3.
A lot of big titles coming, but this is one of my most anticipated games of the year. I love all the characters and the Indiana Jones like universe they've created with this series. It's a great time to be a gamer!
But, BUTTT, are you going to play multiplayer with me. That's the real issue here!![]()
count me in!!![]()
But, BUTTT, are you going to play multiplayer with me. That's the real issue here!![]()
But of course! I have my copy of UC2 if you want to play now!
My PSN name: The_ill_Jedi, add me!!
I prefer Elena to Chloe