UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End - PS4 Exclusive

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I was so ****ing surprised by Golden Abyss, I really did enjoy the gameplay and story.

UN3 only is good IMO on the online, real fun for sure, but I can't do multiplayer, seems like I get my ass kicked at it, and doesn't help now when people are hella cheap. I also did enjoy the story for 3. Learning more about Drake and Sully, plus I'm a sucker for romances, so the whole Nate and Elena thing had me wondering the whole time!

I find Golden Abyss had a funnier script than U3, Sully and Drake were hilarious and Chase was a nice addition to the cast. It would be nice if ND does a remaster so more people would get to play this.
Why have they changed his face so much? They've done it with arkham
Bats too. Sigh.
Sony Posted a Blog and the pic seems to be Uncharted 3 on PS4 "the pic is now removed" from their blog

I find Golden Abyss had a funnier script than U3, Sully and Drake were hilarious and Chase was a nice addition to the cast. It would be nice if ND does a remaster so more people would get to play this.

I'd be down for this. Then I won't have to move my PS3 out of the bedroom back into the living room to play.
I would do anything for a remastered edition of the series, the only reason holding ND back is that they admitted having little resource to spare for such a project. TLOU Remastered was already a pain for them.
little resources like man power or cash? if it's the latter i have a hard time believing them.

Manpower. Porting a PS3 game that was designed to run under the PS3's custom architecture wasn't as simple as one would think. ND said they has trouble even having the simplest things to run properly without crashing.
damn, that sucks to hear. i really hope they can, it would be quite amazing playing through them again.

At 60fps? That would just be the best thing ever. Eurogamer posted a 60fps video of Uncharted 3 running on a dev PC few years ago. Check that out if you can, and marvel at it's magnificence. :lol

ND said that their team is just too busy with Uncharted 4, (plus how much of nightmare TLOUR was) so unless they outsource the trilogy to someone else, it's quite unlikely we'll see a collection anytime soon. It's a damn shame since many 360 owners jumped to PS4 and they've missed out on the series. You'd think they'll be richer than God with what they'll make with a HD trilogy. :lol
I would give anything for an Uncharted collection on PS4. I've never played any of them being a 360 owner.
It's funny that they made Ps3 remasters right out the gate with ps4.
What I really wanna know is what's gonna Happen to all the ps2 HD remakes!? I want them on my ps4
I would give anything for an Uncharted collection on PS4. I've never played any of them being a 360 owner.

This is just my personal opinion, but you missed out on one of the best series in gaming. It might seem absurd, but I'd recommend picking up a used PS3 to catch up on the system's exclusives (not just Uncharted) as there are some really great games on it. Heck...I'd say it's worth it to play the Uncharted trilogy and the God of War series.
This is just my personal opinion, but you missed out on one of the best series in gaming. It might seem absurd, but I'd recommend picking up a used PS3 to catch up on the system's exclusives (not just Uncharted) as there are some really great games on it. Heck...I'd say it's worth it to play the Uncharted trilogy and the God of War series.

yeah I forgot about that....... good times

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