UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End - PS4 Exclusive

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I don't think the uncharted is the kind series that needs to end

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Okie dokie, then I guess you can pull lost civilizations and undiscovered cities out of your a** then? The world is small. Ntm with the recent 2011 comic book by DC, book by Christopher Golden and PS vita Golden Abyss. How much things can Drake cover? We going to Uncharted version of Raiders of the lost Ark, steal something Tomb Raider already had in a game? Uncharted needs fresh ideas, that's what made it successful to begin with because they took El Dorado and Shambala games that hardly covered those places. However it's why U3 suffered story wise, Atlantis of the Sands? Seemed far fetched and when you look at U3 the ending was just hallucinations from water and him losing his ring. Honestly Naughty Dog better write something good... Cause better graphics and no story isn't going to cut it.

Reason why I think Chloe would be a good lead, cause from the comic Chloe was already in the thief business. Like to get her background, besides where's drake at right? He's with white picket fence Elena saying no all the time... :lol

Okie dokie, then I guess you can pull lost civilizations and undiscovered cities out of your a** then? The world is small. Ntm with the recent 2011 comic book by DC, book by Christopher Golden and PS vita Golden Abyss. How much things can Drake cover? We going to Uncharted version of Raiders of the lost Ark, steal something Tomb Raider already had in a game? Uncharted needs fresh ideas, that's what made it successful to begin with because they took El Dorado and Shambala games that hardly covered those places. However it's why U3 suffered story wise, Atlantis of the Sands? Seemed far fetched and when you look at U3 the ending was just hallucinations from water and him losing his ring. Honestly Naughty Dog better write something good... Cause better graphics and no story isn't going to cut it.

Reason why I think Chloe would be a good lead, cause from the comic Chloe was already in the thief business. Like to get her background, besides where's drake at right? He's with white picket fence Elena saying no all the time... :lol

UC3 suffered because it had pacing problems, and really didn’t expand do anything better than Uncharted 2. All these movies, and video games keep the same protagonists, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Uncharted just doesn’t seem like a series that needs to switch up protagonists, Drake is too good of a character to replace, like someone else said here, would you be excited for an Indiana Jones movie without Indiana Jones?

Just my opinion though, if you want a Chloe games, thats cool, I prefer Drake remains the main character.

UC3 suffered because it had pacing problems, and really didn’t expand do anything better than Uncharted 2. All these movies, and video games keep the same protagonists, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Uncharted just doesn’t seem like a series that needs to switch up protagonists, Drake is too good of a character to replace, like someone else said here, would you be excited for an Indiana Jones movie without Indiana Jones?

Just my opinion though, if you want a Chloe games, thats cool, I prefer Drake remains the main character.

Would you be excited if Ford did another KOTCS sequel.

Would you be excited if Ford did another KOTCS sequel.

Yea, Ford wasn’t the problem with KOTCS, the script was. I would certainly take him over a Bradley Cooper reboot.

Speaking of Bradley Cooper, he would make for a perfect live action Drake.

It's now officially titled:

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

The teaser looked AMAZING! :yess:

It's now officially titled:

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

The teaser looked AMAZING! :yess:


Looks quite a bit darker than the earlier games, but it's looking great. Honestly though I do have one issue with the characters in Uncharted at times, that in 2 and 3, some of the characters don't appear or play as much of a role as the others. Chloe and Elena don't do too much in 3 compared to Uncharted 2, while Sully barely appears in 2 at all. I hope 4 mitigates that by giving everyone a fairly important role.

Have to admit, Naughty Dog ending another series is gonna make me sad.
I'm really excited for the darker tone! Although, it's still Uncharted, so they're not going to give up the great humor. I love this scene:

I really hope so! It would be great to see natural transitions from cutscenes to gameplay like MGS4. That blew me away! Heck, it still does!

Yea, Ford wasn’t the problem with KOTCS, the script was. I would certainly take him over a Bradley Cooper reboot.

Speaking of Bradley Cooper, he would make for a perfect live action Drake.

Script was also part of the problem with Uncharted 3 too... The transition from Cutter and Chloe to Elena just didn't fit. Cutter had been written out because of the actors involvement with the Hobbit movies. The game was also guilty of putting too much emphasis on the big setpieces, like the ship and burning building sequences... It wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't as tight as Uncharted 2..
No way this is the last game, the ps4 needs it's own Uncharted trilogy like ps3 had. Hell, give us atleast 2 games on PS4. If this is nearly as good as 3 why stop?

If it sells good, a sequel will come.

I’m with you though, as long as ND keeps putting out quality Uncharted games, I have no problem with them continuing the series.

Script was also part of the problem with Uncharted 3 too... The transition from Cutter and Chloe to Elena just didn't fit. Cutter had been written out because of the actors involvement with the Hobbit movies. The game was also guilty of putting too much emphasis on the big setpieces, like the ship and burning building sequences... It wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't as tight as Uncharted 2..

Can’t argue with that.

Okie dokie, then I guess you can pull lost civilizations and undiscovered cities out of your a** then? The world is small. Ntm with the recent 2011 comic book by DC, book by Christopher Golden and PS vita Golden Abyss. How much things can Drake cover? We going to Uncharted version of Raiders of the lost Ark, steal something Tomb Raider already had in a game? Uncharted needs fresh ideas, that's what made it successful to begin with because they took El Dorado and Shambala games that hardly covered those places. However it's why U3 suffered story wise, Atlantis of the Sands? Seemed far fetched and when you look at U3 the ending was just hallucinations from water and him losing his ring. Honestly Naughty Dog better write something good... Cause better graphics and no story isn't going to cut it.

Nah man, the world isn't small. Its huge! :)
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of 'lost world / relic' stories out there. There are entire books dedicated to nothing but.
It doesn't matter if you cross over locations/relics if you do them in original and unique ways. The very first Tomb Raider game and Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis both used the same location. I wouldn't say that was a big issue.

I actually thought 'Atlantis of the Sands' was the best location of the 3, even if it was the worst game overall (though that's relative, still a great game...)
And El Dorado is possibly the most over used of all of them in stories so I wouldn't say its inclusion in number one was any part of the first games success.

Would you be excited if Ford did another KOTCS sequel.

Yes. Lucas being old and way out of touch was the problem there, not Ford.
Give it to JJ since he's doing everything else as well now anyway :D