Played the demo and after playing MGSV for the past month, Drake moves very sluggish, and I don't think the games have aged very well. I'll probably buy this once is drops down to 20 bucks or so.
Cool, well I haven't played MGSV so I think Drake will move just fine for me lol
Loved Uncharted back then,but i tried them yesterday and i agree with you.Going from Phantom Pain and it's near perfect mechanics to uncharted was a hard transaction
Phantom Pain just feels smooth and flows nicely overall.Could very well be the most realistic gameplay ive experienced.
Haven't tried UC3 yet.But UC 1 and 2 that i tested was the same.The graphics are improved and you truly see a difference no doubt about it,but it isn't as enjoyable anymore.The Mechanics they say they have improved...I don't see it.Feels like they always have.
My advice is,stick to your original PS3 games,you don't get anything else than improved graphics with this release.
And Drake's melee is so much simpler compared to Snake's CQC.Lol @ you guys comparing MGS V to Uncharted. Snake can't even parkour across buildings, let alone climb a ledge that's waist high.
They're two different games, with different play-styles.
Are you sure about that? Have you tried playing the PS3 games in comparison? I recently did a full playtrough of U1,U2 and U3 on PS3 on Crushing difficulty and after trying the demo, I can say that there is a world of difference- similar to the jump from the PS2 Metal Gear games to PS3, or TLOU to TLOUR, and GTAV on PS3 jumping into GTAV on PS4.
As with any remasters or HD ports, the original release of any games will always be playable, but a bump in framerate and resolution certainly ads a difference. Not only that, but Bluepoint even went above and beyond what's required and replaced many assets with higher quality ones, and even tweaked the controls of already playable games towards higher response time and input latency is greatly reduced.
Lol @ you guys comparing MGS V to Uncharted. Snake can't even parkour across buildings, let alone climb a ledge that's waist high.
They're two different games, with different play-styles.
I know the games aren’t similar at all, I was just posting that its hard to get used to playing Uncharted again after playing so much MGSV, I don’t know if MGSV is the reason but UC2 (at least that demo section) felt a bit dated to me, especially in controlling Drake.
I guess you're right if you recently compared them,which i haven't.Just my first impressions and just how it feels overall.Im sure if i compare them i will find something,but if there was some major differences i would have noticed.
You really think MGS V is the best there is for third-person shooters?I'll credit it as having the smoothest controls for a MGS game. But, you can't even climb ledges properly, and you have to stay perfectly still to execute a barrage of CQC punches, otherwise, you'll just throw enemies to the ground. You can't even utilize wall-cover, to peek-and-shoot enemies like you could in MGS 2 to 4.
I think gamers have just gotten lazy. I spent last night playing TLOUR and Uncharted... no problems for me.
And yeah, I think RDR seriously needs a remaster at this point, too. Rockstar did a great job with GTA 5's remaster, I have no doubt they can do something amazing with RDR as well.