Underrated Horror Films?

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I watched the Sentinel last night...thought it was pretty good with a really cool concept. Overall definetly worth the watch. I have to say it was definetly pretty creepy, I can only imagine during its time of release what people thought.
Got my netflix disc so I can watch instantly on my Wii, but Sentinel was not listed. Seems only a select variety of the films which are actually available for instant viewing are available this way.

Now I will either watch it on the computer or order the disc...
If you have netflix, the Sentinel is on the instant, thats how I seen it. You might want to add via your computer instead of going thru the Wii. I use my xbox 360 to watch the instant. I know when I go thru the list on the xbox not everything is listed, so I do most of my adding on teh computer and then watch it thru the 360.
I watched Girl Next Door and The Sentinel last night. The Sentinel is very cool and its amazing all the people in it. See Bev D'Angelo nekkid! The concept is very original and I was impressed.

The Girl Next Door is painful. I don't care to see that one again. Its not a bad movie, just hard to watch what happens to this girl and her sister. The boys need an ass whoopin.
I agree, girl next door was hard to watch and yes I thought the same thing also as far as Sentinel. Lots of big names and lots of braless ladies :D
Alone in the Dark is hugely under-rated in my eyes. And along with The Hidden, I'd say it was Jack Sholder's best film. Great cast too - Jack Palance, Martin Landau, Donald Pleasence, Dwight Schultz and Erlandt van Lidth. A must see for 80's slasher fans.

Funhouse is an enjoyable weird little slasher flick, and in my eyes likely Tobe Hooper's most under-appreciated film.

Many of the earliest Cronenberg horror films seem to be largely forgotten these days, apart than Scanners. But The Brood and Shivers still stand up to this day as great examples of low budget horror.

For years Near Dark was largely forgotten by all but a handful of horror fans, but it seems to have had a bit of a second wind after it finally hit dvd a few years back.

Peeping Tom, which hit the same year as Hitchcock's Psycho, and which I personally still think is the better film of the two, seems to have fallen between the cracks in recent years, despite quite a bit of controversy when it was originally released. In fact so much controversy that it basically killed Powell's career dead in the water, he was blacklisted in England and many foreign opportunities for him also dried up, whereas Hitchcock seemed to get away with Psycho with much less scorn and outrage. Peeping Tom was basically seen as the Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer of it's day, even though you look at the film now and, though still excellent, it seems somewhat tame. But I guess the world has changed a lot in nearly 50 years...
Funhouse is an enjoyable weird little slasher flick, and in my eyes likely Tobe Hooper's most under-appreciated film.

I saw Funhouse as a kid on late night cable. It freaked me out a bit. The whole Carny underground is already kinda bizarre, this just put the icing on the cake for me.
...now Im going to have to look for Sleepers. I never heard of this movie, so now I must watch it.

I'd pass. I made the mistake of watching it a long time ago, thinking that with an ensemble cast it would be damn good. IMHO it wasn't. It's about a bunch of kids who go to jail for a bud, get butt raped by a guard while incarcerated and seek revenge as adults.
I'd pass. I made the mistake of watching it a long time ago, thinking that with an ensemble cast it would be damn good. IMHO it wasn't. It's about a bunch of kids who go to jail for a bud, get butt raped by a guard while incarcerated and seek revenge as adults.

Revenge was the best part, sure it wasn't as crazy as some of the traditional revenge horror flicks but it had a good second half that wasn't as disturbing.

Has anyone seen any films by Mark Savage?

Defenceless: A Blood Symphony was probably his best film.
...oh yeah I can do without revengeful butt sex movies...I'll take your word for it NAM.

I should point out, before the flaming begins, that I wholly agree that all the actors, Kevin Bacon included, put in a solid performance. But it's a shame that for such a cast, they couldn't find a better topic than :moon.
Sleepers was a decent flick, IMO. I wouldn't run out and watch it again because of the subject matter, but the actors did a good job and De Niro came through as a hero. Same goes for The Girl Next Door. Good acting (IMO), but I won't watch that again. I never saw Salo and I am afraid to even try.
yep I agree...Salo is nothing but hype. Yeah Sleepers sounds like a decent movie, but im not big on revenge movies that bring on showcase the "man on man" violence.
I liked Sleepers and how it was about kids and then turned into a revenge story. For those who haven't seen it there isn't nudity and it isn't graphic. You just hear of what happens. Kevin Bacon was great but he was an SOB.
I liked Sleepers and how it was about kids and then turned into a revenge story. For those who haven't seen it there isn't nudity and it isn't graphic. You just hear of what happens. Kevin Bacon was great but he was an SOB.

That's not exactly true. :lol
