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Exactly! :)

This is probably a good place to admit I didn't think KOTCS was that bad either. So that makes the PT, STID, TASM2, KOTCS and the Matrix sequels I liked. Call me a compulsive contrarian (or just a fanboy with questionable taste!)

I draw the line at Schumacher-verse Batman, however. Though I liked it at the time "because it was Batman"! And I would've liked seeing the third part in that trilogy just for curiosity's sake.

I liked KOTCS fine. Better than parts of TOD. I also liked the Prequel Trilogy. My son watched EpIII last night ... it was really good. The Matrix Sequels weren't bad.


I suppose it could apply to several people. ;). Nothing I'd let get under your skin though.

Just repeat after me...

Bill Murray is a comedy God!

That wasn't too hard, was it?

Bill Murray was a comedy god. Now, eh. He had a hell of a good run with Ghostbusters, What About Bob?, and Groundhog Day. But, other than a couple of cool cameos lately in Zombieland and Parks & Rec ... he hasn't done anything really good in a decade or two.

One of the best Martin Scorsese films is The Color of Money, some of his that I put it up above are wolf of Wall Street, shutter island, the departed, gangs of New York, mean streets.

Shutter Island is extremely underrated. One of my favorite DiCaprio movies, actually.

I don't think Cruise is under-rated, he just comes across as a prat to many people.

Cruise isn't underrated. I tend to like his movies despite him.

Shutter Island is extremely underrated. One of my favorite DiCaprio movies, actually.


I agree! I actually like it more than his Newest 'The Revenant'.

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Carlito's Way is better than Scarface.

Point Break is Keanu's best movie, far better than the matrix.

The Departed isn't as amazing as its hailed.

The Thing (the original) is better than Escape from New York and big trouble in little China combined.

Daniel day Lewis isn't a god.

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Carlito's Way is better than Scarface.

Point Break is Keanu's best movie, far better than the matrix.

The Departed isn't as amazing as its hailed.

The Thing (the original) is better than Escape from New York and big trouble in little China combined.

Daniel day Lewis isn't a god.

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As much as I love the film and Snake, The Thing is by far Carpenter's best work.
Looks like he was talking about the original (1951) and not Carpenter's version. Unless he thinks the 1982 version is the "original" compared to the 2011 remake.
When someone says The Thing (the original) I can only think of the 1951 film.
There's no such thing (pun intended) as "The Thing (remake)". At least not yet...

Arrrgh, Khev
Carlito's Way is better than Scarface.

Point Break is Keanu's best movie, far better than the matrix.

The Departed isn't as amazing as its hailed.

The Thing (the original) is better than Escape from New York and big trouble in little China combined.

Daniel day Lewis isn't a god.

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Can't disagree with any of that :lol I like Escape from New York, but I like Snake Plissknen the character more than the actual film.
Looks like he was talking about the original (1951) and not Carpenter's version. Unless he thinks the 1982 version is the "original" compared to the 2011 remake.

Sorry for the confusion :confused::confused:, I have never seen the 1951 film, I am aware of it, but I tend to forget it exists. I was in fact referring to the master piece that is Carpenter's The Thing.:wave
Sorry for the confusion :confused::confused:, I have never seen the 1951 film, I am aware of it, but I tend to forget it exists. I was in fact referring to the master piece that is Carpenter's The Thing.:wave

That's funny because I've never seen the 2011 version and I tend to forget that *that* exists. :lol So when people talk about "original and remake" my mind always defaults to 1951 and 1982, respectively.
I saw Carlito's Way once in the theater and literally have no memory of it. Well other than Penelope Anne Miller appearing nude and Sean Penn looking utterly ridiculous. :lol
Bill Murray was a comedy god. Now, eh. He had a hell of a good run with Ghostbusters, What About Bob?, and Groundhog Day. But, other than a couple of cool cameos lately in Zombieland and Parks & Rec ... he hasn't done anything really good in a decade.


Really hard to argue that, but I think that is a problem most comedians have. It's very hard to find the right project to suit their comedic style. Most comedians are pretty hit and miss, look at Robin Williams, he did crap film after crap film til he hit with Good Morning Vietnam, a lot of people love Chris Rock, but he has yet to find the type of movie that translates his style appropriately to film. Steve Martin is also a favorite of mine and he has been very hit and miss for a longtime. I can't think of any comedic actor who has only made good films.

Personally, my favorite films with Murray have either Reitman or Anderson attached to them.
Boba's last second of life didn't negate how cool he was every other moment on screen.

I can't think of any cool moment on screen. Not any cooler than random stormtroopers that also fired their guns and missed everything. I've heard people say he mouthed off to Vader but the only people who didn't mouth off to Vader were the people he directly supervised.

The coolest thing Boba did was arrive in my mailbox after six to eight agonizing weeks.
I honestly don't get the Boba Fett hype. As a kid I liked his helmet and jet pack but he didn't do anything in any of the films except stand there, walk around, then fell into a sand pit. I like his look, but he's never been in my top 10 Star Wars characters. I honestly don't know if I could say he's in my top 20.
I saw Carlito's Way once in the theater and literally have no memory of it. Well other than Penelope Anne Miller appearing nude and Sean Penn looking utterly ridiculous. :lol

Not even Vigo Mortensen? He was a better Puerto Rican than Al Pacino in that film. :lol Wayyy better and his Spanish is flawless, unlike Pacino.