I'm loving these responses. These honestly are my opinions.
I absolutely love TPM, it might be massive nostalgia or something, but whatever it is I really love the movie.
I've always loved ROTJ, it was my favorite as a kid and still is my favorite as an adult. I don't hate Empire or anything, but its not my favorite and I'm not going to say its my favorite just because the internet has deemed its the best.
I think Batman '89 is the best Batman movie of all-time, but Batman Forever and Batman Returns are tied for my favorite. I'm just not a fan of Nolan's forced realism in his Batman movies. When I'm watching a Batman movie thats the last thing I want to see. Batman Begins had the least amount of this which is why its the only one of his that I liked. I'm also not a fan that his Gotham City is just Chicago, since I've been to Chicago more times than I can count in my life that just stuck out so much to me. I thought Ledger's performance of the Joker was great and really unique but that was the only thing I enjoyed at all about The Dark Knight. Both TDK and TDRK were both too long and boring for my taste.
As far as B&R goes I don't think the movie is flawless or anything, there sure are some cringe worthy scenes, but overall I do think its 2 hours of non-stop fun that never lags. I really loved that Schumacher put the effort into turning Gotham City into a place of fantasy with lots of awesome set pieces and great work with miniatures. I also loved that his Batmobile designs definitely had design cues from a bat and were not just a tank.

yeah, pretty much.