Super Freak
Hear hear!! Yes, enjoy every moment and take lots of pictures and video! Ofcourse, everytime I pull out the video camera, Ayden stops doing whatever it was that needed to be on film.
No worries on the Aliens rifle. As for Conan, even better than yours? Can't can't wait!!

And thanks Jen. All throughout the early months after Drake was born it was all I could think about. It weighed on me heavily, and once I got my energy back I just couldn't wait to get back to work on the backlog. At least now there really isn't much left. The Joker project (which was a LARGE part of what set me back so much...Painted socks, painted shirts, painted ties, 6-7 layers of facial paint, dye clothes, etc) is nearing completion. After those are done a lot of the pressure will go away. I'm just happy to be working again, and I just look forward to the day when it's all finished.
I'm moving my efforts to horror props and latex masks after I'm done with this, with a fully planned out business model and much more organization. Any figures I do will be completed before sale (at least the heads), and I will never take more than 4 repaints at one time...if at all. I still won't be coming back to the boards, as I don't want to be a reminder of what happened in the past. But everything will be in baby steps. I have to earn back trust, and I have to DELIVER goods and ensure they are quality items. It won't be an easy road, but I am ready to travel it.