Hey guys, I've been a lurker on these boards for quite some time, but I figured I'd might as well join.
I know this bust has a divided audience; some hate it, while the rest love it. I have to say I'm in the latter party.
Firstly, I love the sculpt and the new take on a older character.
My favorite rendition of Venom is how he was portrayed in the early 90s by Eric Larson (huge eyes, gaping jaw, ragged teeth, drool, etc.) and I still love the look of this bust.
It is massive, and although it is pretty heavy, my Legendary Scale Balrog feels a bit heavier, despite being smaller.
I've read that some are displeased with the paint as well, and I have to say I think the paint is applied well. My only criticism regarding the paint apps is that I think Sideshow should've used a stronger gloss coat on the tongue and mouth.
It's a minor nitpick, and I think it would've been easy to overdo it with gloss, so they decided to err on the conservative side.
One thing in particular that I love about the paint job (that I don't believe anyone has touched on) is the texture of the 'skin'. It would be really easy to paint a character like Venom a flat/gloss black and call it done.
However, rather than go that route, Sideshow has applied a very subtle mottled effect to his skin. He has this faint porous look all over, and you can only really see it when the light hits him 'just so'. It's a very well thought out approach because it gives the bust an organic feel without overloading the balance of the composition with too much detail and texture.
It also helps to bring out the highlights in the raised areas of his anatomy - all the sinew, joints, and the musculature show very well because of the applied texture.
Anyway, as I've stated, I love this bust. It has a presence about it, and when combined with it's size it dominates the space that it's in.
I'm including some pics, for those still on the fence, or just want to see more of this guy.
If anyone wants to see more pics of this guy, or something in particular let me know.