*VOTE for Clean DX Headsculpts* Jazzinc Dioramas 1/6 Ultimate Catwoman (Batman Returns, 1992)

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Which three of these four should be part of the Clean DX set?

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He also mentioned that a Danny DeVito Penguin is highly likely. Stated that he would love to collab with InArt and/or Hot Toys if they were willing so they could let him know what not to touch and he would fill in the side characters. He isn't interested in competing with them, he just wants to help complete people's collections.

He was able to dig in and see what Hot Toys production numbers were for some characters. He stated that the Anne Hathaway Catwoman had production numbers of around 60,000 units. A rank characters are in the 6 digits for them.
The 2.0 Catwoman thread hasn't even reached 20 pages of discussion in the past 2+ years since announcement. I don't see how that figure could have reached 60k. Unless if it's a case of Hot Toys over producing that one since it went up for PO in 2021.

I do like his thought process of doing characters that the other companies won't. We really don't need 3-4 companies doing the same character over and over again. There are a lot of gaps that Joost can fill.
60,000 Hathaway Catwomen...? I find that hard to believe. Is that the original PLUS the 2.0 numbers combined?
The 2.0 Catwoman thread hasn't even reached 20 pages of discussion in the past 2+ years since announcement. I don't see how that figure could have reached 60k. Unless if it's a case of Hot Toys over producing that one since it went up for PO in 2021.

I do like his thought process of doing characters that the other companies won't. We really don't need 3-4 companies doing the same character over and over again. There are a lot of gaps that Joost can fill.
Not really sure, it seemed like the 2.0. It was toward the beginning of him talking about 1/6th scale figures. Joost had him guessing and he started out at 2,000 as the first guess. Joost said much higher. He then said 10,000 and 50,000 with Joost telling him it was 60,000 after those two guesses.
The 2.0 Catwoman thread hasn't even reached 20 pages of discussion in the past 2+ years since announcement. I don't see how that figure could have reached 60k. Unless if it's a case of Hot Toys over producing that one since it went up for PO in 2021.

I do like his thought process of doing characters that the other companies won't. We really don't need 3-4 companies doing the same character over and over again. There are a lot of gaps that Joost can fill.
To be fair, BD MK85 Iron Man only has 86 pages compared to 232 for InArt Gandalf. We all know that Iron Man sold way more figures.
🤷‍♂️ I'm just giving the source. Maybe I didn't hear it correctly. He is in this forum so we can ask him here @JazzInc
You heard him correctly (I heard it too), but he must be mistaken. Even 6,000 seems unlikely for a reissue. I believe he also mentioned Hot Toys made 40,000 ‘89 Batmobiles, which also just cannot be true.

I think whatever his source for Hot Toys production numbers must have accidentally added an extra zero or two.
You heard him correctly (I heard it too), but he must be mistaken. Even 6,000 seems unlikely for a reissue. I believe he also mentioned Hot Toys made 40,000 ‘89 Batmobiles, which also just cannot be true.

I think whatever his source for Hot Toys production numbers must have accidentally added an extra zero or two.

Is it possible that the source at Hot Toys (or their factory) is intentionally misleading him to entice him to significantly overproduce and immediately go out of business?

I mean, the factory agents can be pretty devious "Oh yeah, we made 40,000 of these for Hot Toys. They sell like gangbusters. So, how many do you want to order? You get price break for every 10,000 units"
Checkmate Hot Toys agent. Pretty sure all of this Michelle Catwomans will be bought up :ROFLMAO:
I got the impression that releasing numbers was taboo from these companies. Why would Joost even say that? Someone is ******* with him. Number sounds ridiculously high.
I think if Hathaway Catwoman was selling $12 million dollars worth of 1/6th figures alone, we'd all be in the business.

And how many figures does HT makes year? They must be a billion dollar company.
Is it possible that the source at Hot Toys (or their factory) is intentionally misleading him to entice him to significantly overproduce and immediately go out of business?

I mean, the factory agents can be pretty devious "Oh yeah, we made 40,000 of these for Hot Toys. They sell like gangbusters. So, how many do you want to order? You get price break for every 10,000 units"
Yeah - could be the factories he’s talking to over-selling their capabilities or something got lost in translation.

But my first assumption was he was getting his numbers from a source at DC, who might have the quantities sold on file so that they can accurately collect their licensing fees. After all, the only Hot Toys numbers he cited were for DC products. Maybe a license agreement was good for up to 60,000 units, or something.

I don’t think Hot Toys is hand-painting 60,000 figure heads all year, let alone just Catwoman.
Joost just said he has no plans to do a 1989 batman because there are good alternatives out there. He's focused on completing our collection with forgotten figures like Pfeiffer Catwoman and Devito Penguin. Looks like people who were concerned with Jazzinc trying to do another Heath Joker or Bale Batman can put aside their worries :LOL: