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I was also considering swapping her legs. Any cheap suggestions for this?

I've never swapped a torso before so no suggestions, but I've heard it being done. Also, when I got my WW body, it was separated at the torso for shipping so I know its possible. I'll have to explore that option for slimmer legs.

Raymond Ferarro would likely know. Maybe gogul too.
I got my s17 body in the mail today and played with it after work. In person, the colour from the head to the neck looks perfect, but not so much in photos. Think I should probably cut the arm down a bit more, but I also kinda want to leave it.
Dixmois, I don't suppose I could get you to measure the circumference of the thigh please? I want to compare that to my WW body to see if there's a significant difference.

Thanks in advance...
Still working on mine. I bought another shirt off monkeydepot and between the two tried to make a more accurate shirt with the wrapping and multiple layers.

I'm trying to accurize the metal arm too, but it's a challenge to figure out the crazy design of that thing from the pics out there, or even from watching the movie. I know there are some extra wires going up her arm that VTS left out though.
For anyone who's interested, here's a few pics of my shirt mod and the way I built it up. The best I could determine her shirt was made up of three main layers. For the first layer the only thing really showing are the sleeves, so I cut a much larger neck opening and then cut off the lower half (which would be used later to make the wrapping), and then put it over my tube top.

Then I took the second shirt, cut off the sleeves (to make almost more of a tank top), and stitched the neck opening that would actually be showing. Although honestly with some Fray Check you could just cut the opening directly and not worry about stitching anything.

Then finally I took in the other half of the first shirt to make it a lot tighter, which made it easier to create the wrapped look around the bust. Of course this probably makes it more important to rein in the bust first, as all these extra layers would probably make it look absolutely gigantic by this point. Lol

Anyway, that was my attempt at a more accurate shirt. Not sure if that explanation made any sense whatsoever, but it did in my head anyway. :D




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