Pull the skin back and use a dremmel. worked for me.
Yup,Pull the skin back and use a dremmel. worked for me.
Ha yeah, I didn't have any luck squeezing in the butt either. And the head on mine was a bit loose as well, so I just covered the metal ball with some tape to make it a tighter fit.
Ha yeah, I didn't have any luck squeezing in the butt either. And the head on mine was a bit loose ....make it a tighter fit.
Were you able to get the pants to cover the butt completely?
Still pulling them up more and stretching them using the chopstick method........
Really stuck around the calf/knee area.....
I was able to get them most of the way up, but still needed to cover a little in the back with the shirt.... so ...keep at it and not lose hope.
Grown men.
Started my mod to make a good Furiosa.
Began with “shrinking to bust by making a “sports bra” out of self sealing military tape. This stuff adheres to itself without any adhesive, so it can be moved and repositioned. It squeezed the bust down to a more reasonable size.
Also trying it with less success on the butt.....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
those tapes gonna react with the rubber sooner or later, but it'll 100% taint the skin black.
Nice work! That's really bringing back some (painful) memories.