War Machine Maquette

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Total bullsheet! I have had that happen more than once. There's no way to miss a delivery that you are waiting for unless they screw it up. Some folks hear the door bell. I hear the motherflippin' truck coming up the street because that is always where my attention is focused on delivery day!

That's just the man getting around to delivering your item whenever he's supposed to, :lecture
Total bullsheet! I have had that happen more than once. There's no way to miss a delivery that you are waiting for unless they screw it up. Some folks hear the door bell. I hear the motherflippin' truck coming up the street because that is always where my attention is focused on delivery day!

Amen! I usually skip class on big deliveries such as War Machine and WAIT by the front door with my computer or a book!
At least they're coming back. I have a Fedex delivery girl that calls me every time she "misses" me at home and wants me to come drive out and meet her on her route somewhere, wherever she happens to be at the moment. Annoying!
I know. I never drive out to meet her (since I've paid for SHIPPING TO MY HOUSE), and I just assume that she's doing the same thing as your driver and fudging her deliveries.
^^^ UPS fudged my BC delivery by saying I wasn't home and they didn't even leave a notice so it's being redelivered today on a 2nd attempt which is really their first attempt because the dude lied on his scan.

NOW that's some BULL____!!!!!

Same crap happened with my WM delivery but it was Fedex handling it. I just called them and said that I haven't picked fedex to have that kind of service (As if we had another choice in Canada!) to have that kind of crap service. I unleashed hell on them and said their driver was a big lier and wasn`t doing his job properly. The driver came back for a 2 attempt and with the WM in 1 piece. :)
They do not know who they are dealing with!!! Crazy collectors! :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :panic:

Earth City, MO, United States 04/12/2011 11:55 A.M. The customer was not available on the 1st attempt. A 2nd attempt will be made.
Earth City, MO, United States 04/11/2011 9:23 P.M. Destination Scan
04/11/2011 1:44 P.M. The customer was not available on the 1st attempt. A 2nd attempt will be made.
I just got mine and he looks fabuloso ! Mint condition and the box was mint as well. :blissy

When I flipped the base over (which is beautifully detailed btw) to see what number mine was I almost needed a diaper, # 019/750 :monkey5

I'm so happy with this piece, especially since I was 50/50 on whether to spend the $ on him :D

I'll only post 2 pics since his Detolf is empty until the end of the week + my camera sux :lol



Time to go celebrate & await the Hot Toys Iron Man fig's coming this week to join War Machine in his display! :banana:bunnydanc:chew
Prodigious congrats, Yank! Sweet digits, brother! ...and he's Detolfable! SWEET! :rock

Thank you kind sir! :)

I was scared to Detolf him actually. As I was standing there holding him with the Detolf door open, I thought to myself, "I really should ask if anyone knows whether this is smart or not?" :lol

I contemplated putting the second piece of glass under him for support
Thank you kind sir! :)

I was scared to Detolf him actually. As I was standing there holding him with the Detolf door open, I thought to myself, "I really should ask if anyone knows whether this is smart or not?" :lol

I contemplated putting the second piece of glass under him for support
I think it's fine, especially if you just use the glass shelf you removed to give him more support. I know a lot of folks of freak out about such a thing, but I have had many heavy pieces in Detolfs. I've had the IM classic comi on a double shelf for a long time now. You can also add more support to the shelf with a cable clamp like this...
I think it's fine, especially if you just use the glass shelf you removed to give him more support. I know a lot of folks of freak out about such a thing, but I have had many heavy pieces in Detolfs. I've had the IM classic comi on a double shelf for a long time now. You can also add more support to the shelf with a cable clamp like this...

Ok I'm just going to be up front & admit I have no idea how that clamp would add support :lol

I mean, I understand it would prevent the shelf from sliding. My concern was the sheer weight of the piece being too much for the glass to handle. Would clamps like that actually make the glass sturdier? :monkey1