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Fox lawyers really, really suck!

Posted: Mon., Aug. 18, 2008, 1:42pm PT
Fox's 'Watchmen' lawsuit heats up
Judge denies WB's motion to dismiss
A judge has denied a Warner Bros. motion to dismiss 20th Century Fox’s lawsuit over Warners’ right to make a film based on the graphic novel "Watchmen."
Ruling is potentially a huge victory for Fox, which could wind up as a profit participant in the film, and could cost Warners millions considering the film’s box office prospects. However, Fox’s legal team says it isn’t looking for monetary compensation and instead wants to prevent the big-budget film from being released altogether.
Project, which has been in development for two decades, finally began lensing in September with Zack Snyder at the helm. Warners was set to release the film, which stars Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley, on March 6 in the same slot in which "300" opened.
At the heart of Fox’s suit, filed in February, is the contention that it never ceded rights to the property. And according to the federal Judge Gary Allen Feess, Fox retained distribution rights to the graphic novel penned by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons through a 1991 claim. Furthermore, Feess appears to agree that under a 1994 turnaround deal with producer Larry Gordon, Gordon acquired an option to acquire Fox’s remaining interest in "Watchmen," which was never exercised, thereby leaving Fox with its rights under the 1994 agreement.
"It is our company’s policy not to comment on pending litigation and thus will not comment on the specifics of this case," Warners said in statement. "That said, the court’s ruling simply means that the parties will engage in discovery and proceed with the litigation. The judge did not opine at all on the merits other than to conclude that Fox satisfied the pleading requirements. We respectfully disagree with Fox’s position and do not believe they have any rights in and to this project."
The court has asked the two parties for expedited discovery; generally the discovery process can take up to two years. Because the film has already wrapped and is dated for spring 2009, the judge wants to move forward quickly.
"Warner Bros.’ production and anticipated release of ‘The Watchmen’ motion picture violates 20th Century Fox’s long-standing motion picture rights in ‘The Watchmen’ property," Fox said in a statement, though the graphic novel’s title is simply "Watchmen."
"We will be asking the court to enforce Fox’s copyright interests in ‘The Watchmen’ and enjoin the release of the Warner Bros. film and any related ‘Watchmen’ media that violate our copyright interests in that property."
Surprisingly, Fox said it would rather see the film killed instead of collecting a percentage of the box office.
"When you have copyright infringement, there are some damages you never recover," said a source close to the litigation.
Fox spent more than $1 million developing "Watchmen" but had not previously taken legal action against the project, which had been in development at Paramount several years ago.
The case resembles to some extent the copyright suit, also involving Warners, over "The Dukes of Hazzard," in which Feess also presided. The studio agreed in 2005 to pay producer Robert B. Clark at least $17.5 million for infringing on the copyright to his 1974 United Artists film "Moonrunners," which became the basis of the Warners TV skein "The Dukes of Hazzard."
Warners settled the "Hazzard" suit while faced with a preliminary injunction, issued by Feess, which would have canceled the release of the feature and seen all copies impounded by federal marshals.
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Surprisingly, Fox said it would rather see the film killed instead of collecting a percentage of the box office.
"When you have copyright infringement, there are some damages you never recover," said a source close to the litigation.

Unbelievable! Maybe people should boycott Fox films and see how they recover from the damages. Idiots.
If the option was never exercised and their rights didn't expire, Fox is entitled to something - but positioning that they want to see the film buried is just an ****** move completely.
Yeah, I can completely feel them getting paid in a huge way, but to let it die is just, well just wrong. I hope that Fox wants people from 18-40ish that are fans of anything to never watch one of their movies. Cause that's what's gonna happen if they kill off Watchmen.

Well maybe not, but I'll be one of the first to sign any kind of petition that gets started!!
If the option was never exercised and their rights didn't expire, Fox is entitled to something - but positioning that they want to see the film buried is just an ****** move completely.

I agree....and if this movie is never release because of those A-holes...I'll be the first to boycott fox forever.
I hope Fox fails. And I hope they go bankrupt and are never ever able to ever screw over another movie again. Fox is the WORST film company of all time. I hate them with every fiber of my being.
I believe this same type of bs between WB and Fox is the reason the original Batman series has never seen the light of day on DVD. Or VHS for that matter.
This will get settled and the film will be released, as planned, on 3/6.

Fox is indeed a bunch of a-holes, though.
Fox should have pulled the trigger when they had the chance, not sit on the rights for 20 friggin years.
Fox should have pulled the trigger when they had the chance, not sit on the rights for 20 friggin years.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

F them. Money-grubbing bastards.

I like what CHUD had to say about it:

Maybe Fox should sue for co-credit so they can get their name on a good movie in theaters for the first time since 2006 (look it up - Big Fox hasn't had a movie worth watching in almost three years).

I wonder how this will relate to the merchandising for the film since the film may be held up? Will companies be allowed to continue to release their products on time or does Fox's lawsuit hold those in limbo too?
I want :(

If the option was never exercised and their rights didn't expire, Fox is entitled to something - but positioning that they want to see the film buried is just an ****** move completely.

It's an obvious move to make from a negotiating perspective. If the rights are theirs then they're really not the villains here, as much as it might pain us as fans.
It's an obvious move to make from a negotiating perspective. If the rights are theirs then they're really not the villains here, as much as it might pain us as fans.

Yes, as I said if the paper trail does admit the Fox has rights then they should profit from it. But saying that they don't want the film released at all is just wrong. Sure it's posturing so they can make the best deal with WB, they may walk away with half the distribution rights - but it's still a shame they're posturing in such a way.

Here's a timeline of what's happened with the rights.
No, whatever Fox says is wrong. And stupid. Everything that comes out of their mouth is wrong.

Am I being a bit ignorant....yes, but Fox has screwed me over too many times that I fail to take anything they say seriously.