just me
Sadly, I can't really say I'm surprised that so many people apparently don't get WATCHMEN. Zach made about as accessible an adaptation as possible (while staying true to the source material) and still a lot of the reactions are so predictably banal that it's apparent it would never have worked for many, and especially the mainstream.
Not to start any arguments, it's just... didn't we already pretty much know that it wouldn't work for the mainstream and that NO adaptation was going to do it justice for the uninitiated? For example, I asked a guy I know, who hadn't read the book, if he liked the movie... he said it was okay, nothing special. I asked him if he understood the character motivation and plot, based on knowing NOTHING about it going in, and he said, and I quote:
"Well, I know the naked blue guy was banging the hot chick and then they had a fight, but I'm not sure what the fight was about, and then she was banging the owl guy. And I don't really know why the rich gay dude wanted to save the world but I guess that was pretty cool. And that guy with the moving mask was neat." (I can direct quote because it was through email exchange
Note: He didn't even know the names of the characters!
I assured him that the book was so much better and there were so many levels to the plot and character studies and that he should read it. But the sad fact is, he never will. And sadly, that's 90% of the movie-going American population right there (I'm not counting Freaks board members in that 90% - if you're posting on a board for collectibles, that doesn't count as 'mainstream movie-going audience'
Eh, whatever. I'm more than happy with it and will be even moreso with the additional cuts. You guys can have all the Batman, Spider-Man and Iron Man flicks you want. They all pale in comparison and can't be taken seriously anymore (for me anyway).
The thing about the Iron Man, Batman, Spider-Man MOVIES is that they stand alone as really fun, interesting, character-driven FILMS. Watchmen *the movie* just doesn't - no matter how cool it looks you MUST be at least somewhat familiar with the back stories to fully understand and appreciate the subtleties, which are what make the story beautiful and worth remembering.
For the mainstream audience, the 'superheroes' of the Watchmen (which, dishonestly, is how they were marketed) look like cheap knock-offs of the more widely known and accepted superheroes... Nite Owl, Ozymandis, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Spectre, Rorschach... those are never going to be 'household names'. And in my opinoin, they SHOULDN'T be, so yes, part of me is happy that it's not going to be a blockbuster film, as selfish as that is - I'm in Moore's camp
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