saw it, really liked it. didn't LOVE it tho. maybe cos i was never really that enamoured of the graphic novel to begin with.
geeks have been raving abt it forever, but for me, while i could appreciate the intelligence in the writing and the breaking down of all the superhero archetypes, i never really connected with it. maybe it was a little TOO opaque for me. i find moore's style is often quite academic and thus, cold.
so therefore, when snyder decided to honour moore's structural approach, it kinda threw me off once again. don't get me wrong, i take my hat off to the screenwriters n director for being able to pull off that incredibly complex narrative structure without confusing the heck outta the audience. but still. it's very hard to appreciate if you're not familiar with the graphic novel. or EVEN if u are familiar with it, in my case.
and the other problems with the movie stem from there. what do u choose to keep and what to leave out? it's tricky, and i felt they could've done WITHOUT some of the subplots. for me, watchmen the movie is at least 15 minutes too long.
having said that, i LOVED the visual style snyder brought to the table. couldn't get enough of it. and the score is awesome, very vangelis (circa blade runner).
and jackie earle haley rocks as rorschach. my gf adores him. and she never read the book.
btw, u folks might like to know that in malaysian cinemas, dr. manhattan's dicky appears as an oval blur, hahahahaha