WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Saw it for a second time tonight, this time, with a few friends. I still enjoyed it heaps. My friends liked it too, even though they said it went for too long. They didn't laugh at the blue ding-dong, which was surprising.

I might see it again, but I can't wait to own this on BR! :rock
I saw it for the second time tonight. Rather than sit and compare it to the book and think about what was in and what was left out I just watched it. I enjoyed it much much more. Looking forward to seeing it again.
Second time viewer here as well. Took a girl with me tonight. She had some questions but really enjoyed it. :rock
I watched it last night with my stepson and his friend. I didn't know anything about the GN and I guess even less about the movie script.

The movie was really good. I read about the blue weenie and expected violence and cursing with an R rating. It is a comic book movie after all. Being two boys, I would expected a laugh from the weenie and an awesome to the violence. Sex, nudity and a near rape was a total surprise. :horror

Two nine year old boys seeing female super hero butt / ****s equals talk of the night. Granted like a responsible adult I made them close their eyes but they managed a few peeks.

Cannot wait until BR so I can watch it without monitoring the kids:rolleyes:
Had a second viewing this afternoon. Theater was three-quarters full, good sign...

I really like this movie. Like driving on a long trip, the movie didn't feel as long this time because I knew the beats of the story like landmarks alongside the road...

And what a story! I spent more time really soaking in the details and the great performances...I think all of the leads do a really good job. It's hard to imagine anyone else in their respective roles...they just make it work so well.

I appreciated the Comedian much more this time...on the surface, he seems so arrogant and disgusting, but he really is just a tragic man...tears of a clown, indeed. He really epitomized the whole idea of being corrupted by the power he had as a "Super Hero" fact, most of the characters end up overwhelmed by the persona they've created.

But the moment that still just blows me away is the one with Laurie and Jon on Mars...that last meeting. Crudup just nails that whole scene...

This is going to be one of those movies for me that I can revisit again and again...there is just so much there on every level.

I'll try and get a few more theater viewings in before it leaves, and I hope that rumored extended version plays this summer...

Go see it again, folks!
Saw it for the second time tonight in IMAX and the showing was sold out. So was the next in IMAX. That really surprised me since the standard viewing was not full on opening night. Loved it even more than the first. Went with a couple of friend who had never even heard of Watchmen and definitely saw through their eyes the failure that most see. They felt the film wasn't building towards the ending, the action sequences seemed separated from the story and the characters were flat save Rorschach and The Comedian. I spent an hour at dinner with them explaining all the ins and outs about the comic to give them a bit more understanding but they still didn't really grasp it. Honestly it showed just why the general public isn't liking Watchmen.

My wife and I though who are fans of the comic and fans of the story loved it absolutely more the second time, picking up on the Easter Eggs and the subtile things that were missed when watching it for the first time and being stuck in first viewing. Can't wait to see the extended edition on DVD and I will say I have a feeling that I'll be hitting the theater at least once more to see it before it leaves.
Had a second viewing this afternoon. Theater was three-quarters full, good sign...
It'll likely drop hard this weekend and the initial domestic box office take will certainly be viewed as underwhelming and disappointing to WB and the analysts. But that's not the point. Box office has never been an indicator of quality, nor do all of us view it as any kind of validation for the movies we love.

Ultimately, this film is a triumph, because most of those of us who've been waiting some 23 years for it... those of us who still find it pretty hard to believe WATCHMEN has actually been made as a big-budget film with all of the added ancillary stuff... are thrilled.

Plus, there is an awesome silver-lining here: Now we can rest easy knowing that WB won't be tempted to do something crazy like a prequel/sequel. Phew! :lol
Absolutely. If this had done TDK styled numbers you know we'd be hit with some sort of sequel without Moore's guidance and that would have been the true bastardization.
saw it, really liked it. didn't LOVE it tho. maybe cos i was never really that enamoured of the graphic novel to begin with.

geeks have been raving abt it forever, but for me, while i could appreciate the intelligence in the writing and the breaking down of all the superhero archetypes, i never really connected with it. maybe it was a little TOO opaque for me. i find moore's style is often quite academic and thus, cold.

so therefore, when snyder decided to honour moore's structural approach, it kinda threw me off once again. don't get me wrong, i take my hat off to the screenwriters n director for being able to pull off that incredibly complex narrative structure without confusing the heck outta the audience. but still. it's very hard to appreciate if you're not familiar with the graphic novel. or EVEN if u are familiar with it, in my case.

and the other problems with the movie stem from there. what do u choose to keep and what to leave out? it's tricky, and i felt they could've done WITHOUT some of the subplots. for me, watchmen the movie is at least 15 minutes too long.

having said that, i LOVED the visual style snyder brought to the table. couldn't get enough of it. and the score is awesome, very vangelis (circa blade runner).

and jackie earle haley rocks as rorschach. my gf adores him. and she never read the book.

btw, u folks might like to know that in malaysian cinemas, dr. manhattan's dicky appears as an oval blur, hahahahaha :rolleyes:
It'll likely drop hard this weekend and the initial domestic box office take will certainly be viewed as underwhelming and disappointing to WB and the analysts. But that's not the point. Box office has never been an indicator of quality, nor do all of us view it as any kind of validation for the movies we love.

Ultimately, this film is a triumph, because most of those of us who've been waiting some 23 years for it... those of us who still find it pretty hard to believe WATCHMEN has actually been made as a big-budget film with all of the added ancillary stuff... are thrilled.

Plus, there is an awesome silver-lining here: Now we can rest easy knowing that WB won't be tempted to do something crazy like a prequel/sequel. Phew! :lol

While I agree with you about boxoffice sales. DVD sales will matter. Look how financially successful movies from DVD are treated. T2 is already due a second blu-ray release and Shawshank has had many improvements over the years. We might find the Watchmen DVD not being as good as we were all promised. Remember the extended cut of the incredible Hulk, what happened to that?
Absolutely. If this had done TDK styled numbers you know we'd be hit with some sort of sequel without Moore's guidance and that would have been the true bastardization.
Beyond that, any prequel/sequel would also have gone without the involvement of Snyder and likely Dave Gibbons.

While I agree with you about boxoffice sales. DVD sales will matter. Look how financially successful movies from DVD are treated. T2 is already due a second blu-ray release and Shawshank has had many improvements over the years. We might find the Watchmen DVD not being as good as we were all promised. Remember the extended cut of the incredible Hulk, what happened to that?

We're still getting the DVDs. The difference here is that WB has already spent the money on all of the ancillary stuff, including footage that was shot... and finished... exclusive to the longer cuts. They won't discard or sit on it, and it's being driven by Snyder and the producers anyway.

There is nothing to worry about. Any perceived box office shortcomings won't affect WATCHMEN itself. What it will likely do, though, is prevent studios from spending $100+ million on less mainstream fare in the future. And that's a damn shame. But then, the public has been consuming dreck in mass quantities for years now so I guess it'll get what it deserves.
Well including an 55 mil opening weekend and an 18 mil second weekend, the film has grossed 112 million dollars, which includes international markets. With 14 weeks left in its run, i think that it will get to the 225 total worldwide gross mark, which isnt exactly hugely profitable, but by no means would make it a bomb when most sources are stating its production budget and marketing cost at around 150 mil. The studios usually see about half of the profits, so around 35 million, which is a nice peice of bread. Add the dvd, rental and blu-ray sales, the hype surrounding the directors cut, and i think that evreyone involved with the picture should see a decent profit. Will it be enough to materialize more films like it??? tuff to say......
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You get the feeling that this will be more of a slow burner over the years, as opposed to a big box office opening and be forgotten years later.

I think the fact that it's been advertised via trailers as having more of an action film than it is has left some people feeling mislead.

But the same thing happened with Blade Runner, if you watch its early trailers it looks like an in your face action movie instead of the more thoughtful piece it is. Time will tell if it's heralded in the same fashion as Blade Runner, it's got the brains to do it.

I think it's home release will be the making of the film.
Even the Ninja Turtles like WATCHMEN, take a look at a screenshot of Michelangelo's skateboard from the old NES game.


In the long run this film will be held fairly well especially considering it wasn't a traditional box office smash.

My friend, who didn't like the film mind you, text messaged me this morning with "I am Pagliacci" and a "Hurm".....they may have not liked the film at first watching but if they are quoting things even from one character (Rorschach admittingly was the favorite of both) its done something.