WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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Prepare yourself for awesome viral:

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Well my immediate response is that its another example of Synder's decision to make the film a full on commentary about Superheroes. So Superman is just another example and an easy one since he is the close thing to God as an iconic superhero gets not to mention his origins are an allusion to both Moses and Jesus.
Well my immediate response is that its another example of Synder's decision to make the film a full on commentary about Superheroes. So Superman is just another example and an easy one since he is the close thing to God as an iconic superhero gets not to mention his origins are an allusion to both Moses and Jesus.

Makes sense...but I really liked that God line....:eek:
Watchmen Will Include Rape Scene
January 20, 2009

Zack Snyder being a true director decided to stay true to the graphic novel and keep the rape scene of Silk Spectre by her teammate, The Comedian. According to Splashpage actror Jeffrey Dean Morgan, The Comedian, confirmed to MTV that director Zack Snyder did not overlook the event’s significance.

“It was a three-day process shooting that particular scene, and it was hard,” Morgan told MTV News. “It was three of the hardest days of filming I have ever had to do. It was really very violent.”

“When you’re looking at the comic book you only get a couple panels so there is a lot of stuff there that needs to be filled in,” he said, “so we fill in the blanks there between three and four panels, and it turns out to be one hell of a violent scene. And it’s all intact, [Hooded Justice] comes in and interrupts the attempted rape — it’s all there. We stayed very loyal to it, and I haven’t actually seen the scene yet, but I did see a piece of playback when we were filming it and it’s a lot.”

Asked if he thinks the general public is ready to see a rape scene pulled from the pages of a comic book, Morgan expressed faith in Snyder’s dedication to the material.

“I know certainly the fans of the novel are [ready] and now it’s a matter of reaching an audience that isn’t familiar with the novel,” said Morgan. “I think Zack is the guy who is going to stay true to the novel and be able to reach a main stream audience as well. If they are ready for it? I don’t know, we will see. It’s rated ‘R’ for a reason.”
Watch Irreversible -- oh, and you are not a woman; there is a difference.
Makes sense...but I really liked that God line....:eek:

Wasn't the God line only in one of the book excerpts? If I remember correctly the headlines in the comic itself said "The superman is real and he's American", while the excerpt from that critic said "GOD is real and he's American".

And bloody hell, that viral video is AWESOME. :rock :rock :rock

Bring on March 5th!:monkey3
My copy of WATCHMEN is getting bruised an batered as I'm making sure it makes the rounds to all of my co-workers/friends who are fans of the genre but were never exposed to it. Their excitement at reading the work for the first time is great as I get to relive the first time I was exposed to it twenty yars ago.

I can't wait until opening day and the army of those who hunger to see it grows with every new person that I give the graphic novel to and say "read this".
My copy of WATCHMEN is getting bruised an batered as I'm making sure it makes the rounds to all of my co-workers/friends who are fans of the genre but were never exposed to it. Their excitement at reading the work for the first time is great as I get to relive the first time I was exposed to it twenty yars ago.

I can't wait until opening day and the army of those who hunger to see it grows with every new person that I give the graphic novel to and say "read this".

Hell yeah. I am also lending my copy out to all my friends.
Wasn't the God line only in one of the book excerpts? If I remember correctly the headlines in the comic itself said "The superman is real and he's American", while the excerpt from that critic said "GOD is real and he's American".

And bloody hell, that viral video is AWESOME. :rock :rock :rock

Bring on March 5th!:monkey3

I'm re-reading it again, so i'll find out soon. :eek:
BTW, let's see if any of you can solve this code:

104 116 116 112 58 47 47 55 54 46 49 50 46 52 56 46 49 49 50 47 104 102 105 108 101 115 47
Yes, me.

Because I'm a Leading Light! :)lol)

Actually, it's because I'll be helping WB with some promo stuff here in the ATL. :rock