Well the thing about Manhattan's clones WAS in the graphic novel and is what led Laurie to leaving.
It's almost as if Snyder didn't understand why certain scenes were there...
Well the thing about Manhattan's clones WAS in the graphic novel and is what led Laurie to leaving.
I expected the film to approach cinema as seriously as the book approached its medium. It's ludicrous to expect otherwise. Watchmen is the Lawrence of Arabia of its medium and genre knows no quality bounds. Do you even understand why the book is so critically well respected? Do you not think it's acceptable to expect the adaptation of one of Time's 100 best novels of the 20th century to hold up to its better films as well? I don't understand the idea that because this is a story in the superhero genre we should throw our critical faculties out the window.
Well if you think Spider-Man and Superman should be brutally slaughtering all the gang-level guys who attack them then fair enough. I'm sure you've thought this all the way through.
Just a bad movie by HACK SYNDER! Here is a simple question, if DR. MANHATTAN can assemble and disassemble weapons, like a tank, with a single thought, why not disassemble the nuclear weapons of the soviets or any nation that has nuclear weapons. Movie is 2 hrs shorter. Oh, by the way the, one of only buildings in NY that survive a energy blast is the one that gets roacharts journal. That made no sense. HACK SYNDER satan owns your soul.
Just a bad movie by HACK SYNDER!
I will say this after reading the review by Debbie Schlussel, I went in expecting the worst in terms of violence, gore and sex and actually found it to be rather tame....
I don't think he's a hack. He certainly knows how to work a camera; there are some great images in the movie. He just doesn't know how to combine those images into a narrative of human drama. But then that seems like such a passe requirement these days. Remember when McG was hot?
Yes. And I re read it after I wasted my time watching that piece of ^^^^.Did you even read the book?![]()
I guess my point is I thought the movie stayed pretty damn close to the book.
I did as well my friend. I still don't get the OVER THE TOP stuff.![]()
I guess my point is I don't understand how turning Dan and Laurie into brutal killers (thereby undermining the intention behind Rorshach and the Comedian and the ambiguity of the Keene Act) is "pretty damn close to the book." But I respect that not everyone watches a movie for the same things. I prefer substance to flash.
I guess my point is I don't understand how turning Dan and Laurie into brutal killers (thereby undermining the intention behind Rorshach and the Comedian and the ambiguity of the Keene Act) is "pretty damn close to the book." But I respect that not everyone watches a movie for the same things. I prefer substance to flash.
Nor do I.That wasn't my point.
If you really want to get technical ask them the proper way to snap a neck. If they were in the same line of work or MOS if you will, they will tell you that the movies have had that wrong for years. I dare you to try to twist someones head around on swivel. It won't work. Now take your left hand on the back of someones head and push down while taking your right palm on the chin of said opposition and pushing up I am sure you will find a more positive outcome.![]()
The Manager of the Theatre made the rounds during the previews, they actually stopped them and flipped the lights on for him to explain "this is not your typical superhero movie and if you are offended come to the box office and we'll take care of you..." All this hulabaloo and really there was far worse out there.
At the beginning of the rape scene, Silk Spectre punches the Comedian. It's so forceful that he is spun around by her punch. It's a Super Hero punch. When he punches her back, the audience laughed,
Just curious and you can choose to enlighten me or not. What are your top 10 movies that you think are just the best you have ever seen?
See but this movie, IMO of course was not flash over substance. It just wasn't.
Can you explain this, especially re: Dan and Laurie in the alley vis a vis the thematic relevance of Rorshach?