I pre-ordered this thinking that I would not be charged right away. But when I checked my bank account, it's already a pending transaction. They already charged us in full? Before clicking on "Place Order" it stated somewhere on the page that Weta won't charge until the item is in-stock and ready to ship.![]()
Wow, I find the price of this thing absolutely shocking.
I thought much the same thing and more expected it to be around $150 or a little less.
I was so concerned, that I looked up the cost of the old Frodo & Sam - Mount Doom dio from Sideshow, thinking it would make for at least a basic comparison. Converting both to AUD and including postage, Mount Doom was $205, while this will be around $230. However, I get $20USD in Weta Dollars from this and the first set is larger and has 1 extra character.
The other difference, I got the Mount Doom dio 3 years ago and we keep hearing how production costs have increased . So maybe the price isn't as bad as we first think.
i agree with others, the price of this is more then i thought it would bei used my 30 Weta dollars which brought the price down a little bit.
as someone else said i'm hoping for some top quality painting on this little gem, once i have it in person i'm sure i'll be pleased
here's hoping the other 2 dios are the same price and not more.
With this price tag my dreams have turned to ashes. You can almost buy RWOS pf instead of this..
If this diorama is successful (despite the steep price) I hope Weta will create other character diorama's.
1. A Rohan theme with Theoden, Eomer & Eowyn at the throne or maybe on horses.
2. Rivendell with Elrond, Arwen & Bilbo writing his book.
3. Orthanc with Saurman & Wormtongue with the palantir display
4. Faramir & Denathor in the throne room or pyre
5. A in scale Treebeard
6.Lothlorien with Galadriel, Celeborn & Haldir
Just wishful thinking...I can hope
Well if Weta runs their business like a home builder they will get you "pot committed" and then jack the price on the final piece. I mean who would buy 2 of 3 pieces? Its actually a decent yardstick of the company's commitment to their fan base.
The builder analogy is something I noticed in Phoenix. The back of the house usually comes with a covered patio that fills maybe 1/4 the length of the house. You can purchase an extension to this that covers the second 1/3 of the house (the middle part of the back of the house). Of course, everyone wants the patio that runs the full width of the back of the house. Now even though the linear footage of this third section was the smallest it was priced the highest.
Weta said:Fair question. We expect the prices to be the same or very similar.
We just can't give you a 100% guarantee right now, as we have no control over exchange rates. And currencies are quite volatile at the moment, especially the Euro
We will get this confirmed asap after Comic Con.
Kind regards