Sorry if there's already a thread for this (which there probably is!) but I couldn't see it. So please move/delete if nessasary.
I was looking to buy my first WETA statue and I wanted to know what others thought about this piece?
Gandalf is supposed to be smaller. He's 6ft whereas the Ringwraith is 7ft. At 1:6 scale, that's a difference in height of 2 inches.Hi - so I just got this one. It is a great statue. I really love the sculpt of the face. My problem with it is that aside from the great sculpt on the face the rest of the statue is very plain. The reason it is so plain is because it is pretty much all robes and cloak an nothing else. For the price I would have liked more, like the less of this body covered by the cloak. It is just such a plain and grey statue. That being said, I still really like it! I put it next to my SS ring wraith and Gandalf is quiet a bit smaller. Not the same scale at all, though I don't think it was meant to be. The hat is a nice option!
Hi - so I just got this one. It is a great statue. I really love the sculpt of the face. My problem with it is that aside from the great sculpt on the face the rest of the statue is very plain. The reason it is so plain is because it is pretty much all robes and cloak an nothing else. For the price I would have liked more, like the less of this body covered by the cloak. It is just such a plain and grey statue. That being said, I still really like it! I put it next to my SS ring wraith and Gandalf is quiet a bit smaller. Not the same scale at all, though I don't think it was meant to be. The hat is a nice option!
Yeah i hate it that's he's not depicted in his full battle armour and super-hero pants.
And why IS the statue of Gandalf the Grey so.... grey! He should at LEAST have purple and orange flowing robes and pink highlights in his hair![]()
I recently bought:
And it will arrive to me in Japan tomorrow or Saturday.
I need to put up a shelf for him, but I have limited space, so I wanted to know if his 34 CM height included his hat or not? Thank you very much!