You cheerleaders for WETA are just too funny! One makes a comment and some are like a wolf pack, calm down junior!!!
Trust me WETA is FAR from perfect and yes, LAZY, two different departments, what a backwards company, no flex pay, preorders are "charged" then not then "charged" again, how stupid, if SS were to do this you would be the first to complain fella. Once more how many more repeats do we need! Hell their first releases have been REPEATS! Also yawns on the new releases what a boring year from WETA on the statue front and the cost of them

WOW $200+ for the dwarves each???????

Silly if one asks me, thus why I have not ordered from WETA yet, funny that they can not sell out a "limited" 1000 run. Go and cheer elsewhere fella as it does nothing in the long run....................
Ok, seriously, do you make this stuff up?
I'm hardly a 'cheerleader'. Have you not been reading? I'm angry about the pricing, especially Gollum. I mostly praise what i see from Sideshow, Weta, Gentle Giant - read that Goblin King thread. I said i like it! Shock.
Pease stop calling me a cheerleader, i'm getting a bit offended by it and i'm perfectly happy to bring it up with the mods. (Hi Josh!).
You're right they're different departments - Weta and Weta digital. The sculptors of these pieces work on both the collectibles AND movies. I'm not sure who you think these other people are?
Example - Daniel Reeve. He makes maps etc for the movie, and does some for collectibles too!
Daniel Falconer, Dave Tremont, Steven Saunders, and EVERYONE else - work on movies AND collectibles. I thought you knew this??
You then contradict yourself - you say their first releases have been repeats, then go on to say they DO have new releases!
And they can't sell out a 1000 run? The only things that haven't sold out are Barad-Dur and Bombur. Lots of other stuff has sold out. How many statues do Sideshow still have available?
I find your posts in general, lacking any thought or rationale. Or indeed any research or evidence to back up what you're saying. This is normally commonly known as 'trolling'
That's the Smaug bronze based on artwork by John Howe, before the movie was greenlit. This is NOT movie-related merchandise.
When you click on the link it even says JOHN HOWE SMAUG in big letters at the top.
You can even read the item description too.