WGP's supernatural ROADTRIP 666- MR. CROWLEY?

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Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

If not too late I would love to be on the interest list for Castiel and both Winchester bros.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

Alright all of you Supernatural knuckle heads, we have a question for you and we are starting a new thread for it to go with it. Many of you have talked for years about wanting a 1:6 Impalla prop, and we have a few ideas if you guys are interested.

Please go here for it's own thread:

-Rick :)
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

I am on the interest list for Castiel, but might as well go for the whole team free will if not too late.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

Just to fuel the fire a bit and make for a fun weekend, here are a few work-in-progress shots I have of WGP's Sam and Dean by Sean Dabbs.

Work has already progressed past these pictures, and Sams final hair style is still open for debate (laugh).





-Rick :)
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

Sams alittle cromag but looking good. Dean, not sure yet. Jaws alittle to wide maybe. Look forward to see how they turn out and the others.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

Nice progress so far. The likenesses look slightly off (Sam in particular), but still the best sculpts I've seen.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

Thanks gang. We know they are not done but felt we needed to show SOMETHING in terms of a teaser since we promised some of these heads would be done in October, just to show progress was being made and we are actually working on them (laugh).

I don't know if WIP shots are a good or bad thing on a collectors forum like this, but I feel if I say "we know these aren't done, but here we are", it lets everyone be a little closer with the studio and I always prefer it that way.
-Rick :)
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

I actually like the WIP pics you show us. It lets us know you've got something cooking in the pot and you seem to respond well to our feedback. Plus, it's great to see the rough pics develop into something very accurate to the source material.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

I really like the sculpts so far :) but for constructive criticism I think they do look off (but you can still tell who they are for sure). They're looking a bit old to me for some reason (Dean in particular).
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL Castiel and Bobby interest thread

Hey Rick did you get my pm about the printing for the amulet? The Winchesters are looking pretty good considering they are still only rough drafts, can't wait to see them finished.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

I have new pics of our WIP Sam and Dean by Sean Dabbs. These pics are pretty far along and near done, but not 100% signed off on yet. Dean still needs another pass and a thinner neck. You guys might want Sam in a different hairstyle. Thoughts welcome. We just wanted to show you where we were and that we were close. Sean's really doing a great job on them! :hi5:



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Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Say and I like Sam's hair. It looks like a mix of season 5 and 6. Dean still looks good but he's def. hard to capture(like Harrison Ford). I believe his hair on the side of his head coombs forward abit.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

I'm liking the tweaks a lot. One thing about Dean is I like the little wrinkles and structure on his face (they do look accurate to a determined looking Dean), but do you think maybe you can make them less pronounced? Dean's face is pretty fair since Jensen is a pretty boy.



Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Looking good! Put me down for an amulet and angel sword, too! Keep up the good work!