WGP's supernatural ROADTRIP 666- MR. CROWLEY?

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Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Plus, any chance of some WIP shots of Cas?

Hasn't been started yet as Sean tries to completely finish Sam and Dean first. I have no idea how he'll choose to do them but Bobby and Cas might be getting done together right afterwards.
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Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Winchester Bros please ad me in. Really nice work.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Wow, add me for the brothers, cas, bobby, and whatever else goes with them (amulet, hunting kit, etc.)! :) If you don't mind.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Wow, add me for the brothers, cas, bobby, and whatever else goes with them (amulet, hunting kit, etc.)! :) If you don't mind.

Gotcha down, here and in the Phantasm thread. Thank you!

Hey, I wanted to ask anyone how they would be feeling after Bobby and Cas about us doing a Leviathan head? It's the closest thing they've ever done on Supernatural to a iconic recurring monster on the show.

Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

I'm totally stoked to see these heads! If you don't mind a little of what I hope is constructive criticism:

Sam looks pretty close in the features department except he looks a little squashed or something on the top right side of his head. I think everything above his eyebrows needs to be pulled up just a little bit -- probably less than an inch but he would look a little less like someone stepped on the top of his head. Otherwise he is great!

Dean on the other hand...I'm not quite feeling it yet. Maybe it's the hair, but I think while the features are shaped correctly his face overall needs to be a little broader especially around the eyes. JA has a tiny wee nose and I think this version is just a little too big. And possible his eyes need to be a fraction closer together but that might just be because his face looks a little too narrow there. Also, the comment above about the lines on his face is right on. I don't know about the neck needing to be thinner, but I'll probably chop it off anyway so I don't focus so much on that when I'm looking at the rest of the sculpt.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Thanks gang! Keep those crits and comments coming in. We all KNOW Dean is damned hard so every comment, (particularly on him) is really evaluated and appreciated!
-Rick :)
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Hey, WST is there any possibility of getting skin texture on these guys? I was just looking at the Kirk sculpt (which is amazing btw, I literally said "wow!" when I saw it) and it looks like there might be some sort of skin texture, but maybe that's just the rendering process, I don't know. I'm looking at your sig right now and with the quality of the sculpts it just seems like skin texture is the last step they need to look almost alive.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

I'll have the sculptor Sean answer that because I know we've added skin texture before and it got lost when the physical print came out and the printers stepping had to be sanded and filled. That doesn't mean "no", because I have no idea what printer we were using when that happened and we could be several printers past that. It just means he's the sander so he'd have to tell ME (laugh).
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Sam looks spot on, but Dean is still a little off. I think his features need to be a little sharper and his hair is usually a bit shorter on the sides.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

I think Ackles is SPOT ON in profile, but there is something not quite there straight on. Sam is fine, but his nose is just a little short, possibly. Maybe it's just me, I'm not used to looking at these digital sculpts...
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Thanks gang! Keep those crits and comments coming in. We all KNOW Dean is damned hard so every comment, (particularly on him) is really evaluated and appreciated!
-Rick :)

I love how you guys keep that in mind about Dean. Sam is really coming along nicely and when he's done he's going to look great and I have no doubt Dean will too.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

I'll have the sculptor Sean answer that because I know we've added skin texture before and it got lost when the physical print came out and the printers stepping had to be sanded and filled. That doesn't mean "no", because I have no idea what printer we were using when that happened and we could be several printers past that. It just means he's the sander so he'd have to tell ME (laugh).

This is something we ve been wanting to implement for a while, however, adding skin pours at this scale is a little tricky - as WST has already said. The printers that we use have been producing some incredible level of detail - so I do think it is possible. Our other sculptor Chu has been adding skin pours so we will be able to see how that turns out in the next print, if that works then we'll use those pieces as a guide,if it turns out to subtle/faded then we can try making the pours details deeper.

Hope that has answered your question!
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Awesome-I think the skin tex. will be great.
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

Wait, what?
Re: WGP's SUPERNATURAL (new Sam and Dean pics now up)

A good photoshop, that's all people.