Listen. I used an example of a seat belt earlier because it's kind of the same thing. Of course you have to use it for this to make sense. Most people use a seat belt for a "just in case thing" they hope there is never actually a reason for them to have to use it it but know that in an accident if it is doing its job it can possible save them from a lot of injuries if not death.
A gun is the kind of the same way. I do like to target shoot but hope I never, never, never have to use it to defend myself or my family. Most responsible gun owners don't sit around dreaming about wanting to take on the proverbial "bad guy", but we know they are out there and we are armed. Just in case.
I hate to use this as an example as it gets old but do you have a wife? children? It's simple to say that if it's your time than oh well, but when it involves a loved one especially your kids, well it honestly puts things in a different perspective.
And I'm not insulting ************. I'm a pretty big guy, 6' tall 260 pounds. I have some fat around my midsection but I'm pretty strong. That all means squat "if" some doped vagrant smashes in my door with an Aluminum bat and proceeds to beat me senseless with it. And after he takes care of me I have a wife and 4 teen girls in the house. No, as soon as someone starts trying to crash through my door I will be armed and I will fire if I think we are in danger. It really is as simple as that.
Will it happen? Probably not. But unlike you I am not willing to take that chance.