Super Freak
They're not going to cancel. I'm sure these will sell just fine. There are a lot of Alien collectors in Japan, for example.
Well, you can count me in the list of people who just ordered these two. I put my preorder in a week ago. I may pick up two of each now that I know some have cancelled. I am only interested in the first Alien and first Predator movie collectibles. They were the original, and best, so for Hot Toys to cancel the collectibles from these two movies is stupid IMO.
Totally agree, if HT decides to cancel the P1 line figures i will never forgive them and won't buy from them anymore.
=barryo;1076145]even if they put out just the predator figure without dutch and the gang?????......
YES, been waiting sooooo long for a Dutch fig. I already have the 1:1 predator bust so the crew is even more important to me than the pred. Please HT don't let me wait in vain!
Put it this way, if HT/SS can release figures based on a videogame (Resident Evil 2) of a couple of characters (chainsaw guy and Jack Krauser), and the chainsaw guy wasn't in the game for even 2 minutes, and they still sell out, then they aren't going to cancel the Alien line.
Tell that to the people waiting for Barbosa from the POTC line.
In the new HT newsletter - seems that Skerritt granted likeness rights and Hurt didn't. Hope they don't just do with the broken mask version.
do we know for sure that Kane has not granted likeness?