Wow, great parents. And people wonder why there are so any horrible people about. Its cos of brain dead parents like this. They shouldnt be allowed to reproduce, for the good of the human race, sterilise these people.
The ratings system on games is useless. I've been playing M-rated games and watching R-rated movies (including Alien and Predator) since I was 9. Luckily, boundaries were set and everything went fine. But if your parents don't lay down some discipline, it's clear that this is the kinda of crap that'll happen.
If that were my kid (and it never would be) I would beat her a$$. But the parents are a bad influence, otherwise she would have never dared to do that.
If that were my kid (and it never would be) I would beat her a$$. But the parents are a bad influence, otherwise she would have never dared to do that.
Right, I could kinda see it happening if the mother wasn't there and her older brothers were getting her to say it, but with her being right there just shows that she's allowed to talk that way all the time. I'm betting this girl is a real handful at school too, if she even goes.
What upsets me is, I know I would be a good parent, but I'll probably never have any kids, but rotten parents like this ____ them out like candy from a Pez dispenser!