Super Freak
So do people here argue that some humans are born murderers? Born muslim suicide bombers? Or born with a will to kill? Or do they agree with me that these values and actions of theirs are things they gain throughout their life experience? Sure, you can be mentally ill, genetically. Which can contribute to becoming a murderer, but is it the same with all people who are mentally ill?
Again, not an excuse for murderers but an explanation to the cause and result of their actions.
people are exposed to lots of stuff, ultimately its up to them to decide their morals and beliefs and act on them.
I apologize. I should have responded sooner.
I did not say the culture is totally responsible, only partly responsible.
It bears only a small part of the cause of this, but that does not mean it should not be addressed. Advertising works to get people to buy this or that because it makes the product look more appealing, glamorous or more effective or reliable than it actually is. Then people buy it and find out the truth. Then the people find out the product sucks. Yes, some people are more gullible and impressionable than others, but were it not for the ad, they would not have bought.
Now , that is just buying a product that doesn't work, but what about selling the idea of a lifestyle by TV? Product placement in movies and TV has been found to be effective. Not everyone is susceptible to advertising. Some people won't be swayed no matter what, but some will. We are talking about influencing people with the media, and the whole environment a person is in, to influence their actions. Since advertising works on some people, what makes you think that violent video games, and other entertainment can't?
The multiple studies that have been done on it and found there to be little causality. However if you can find some research that says our violent culture is the cause for many of these attacks I would gladly read it. I'm still waiting for you to back your statements up.
In the 80's it was rock music that made people kill, in the 90's it was rap music. I guess now its Violent Batman movies that make people kill each other.

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