It's one of those things that stops you in your tracks when you hear about it in detail and see the imagery. It's completely jaw dropping in the worst possible way. I'm Irish, not British, but I know if I was, I would be sticking Union Jacks all over the bloody place. And trust me with Irish/UK history being the way it is thats quite a statement from an Irishman. The real horror of it is just shocking, the poor mans family.. I can't even imagine.
Then the EDL stick on ski masks.
I lived 10 yrs in the UK so I think I can say a thing or two about that particularly as far as it relates to Muslims and the subject of radicalization.
Just to clarify, you came here in 2003? how come you moved back?
I'm glad I moved back too.
Just sayin'
I don't know why they preach so much love for London because it's anything but a great place. Plus according to any Government thats in power, nothing else exists outside of London.
Plus more and more white people are being alienated where they live and getting pushed out. So many parts in England you see it, you'd think wtf! am I in the UK?
You know the best part I always love about politicians, is how they honestly believe they can end terrorism. Religious wars having been going on since biblical times.
All religions suck. People only use them to justify their teribble behavior or seek comfort in the fact they may see dead relatives again some day. It's all childish immature and rather selfish nonsense and I truely hate it more than anything in the world.
Lot's of people believe in religion and haven't conducted terrible behaviour. Like some believe in the bible because of this huge gay marriage push thats going on in the UK. When it's nothing but extra votes Cameron is trying to get out of it. Lot's of politicians are exploiting this.
Oh trust me, I came out of "My shell" long ago when I realised at the age of about 7-8 that my parents we're trying to brainwash me into believing hell was real so I'd behave. I was forced without choice to goto church, sunday school, and confirmation and my hatred for the religion I was raised under is oh so much stronger for my first hand education as to their morales and goals. I've since taken the time to educate myself regarding all religions because I see them as the largest threat to humanity as a whole. To claim any religion is innocent and just wants peace and happiness is pure insider nonsense and straight up contradictory to other existing religions and lifestyles.
Then sadly you suffered bad parenting.
Well we should also be honest that America has been really great at creating it's own problems. We should all be able to admit that.
Britain created most of the problems throughout history. Yet we're still horsing about screwing with other countries when we cant even sort out our own.
At its core I believe all religion is about giving people a moral code to live by. Looked at that way, I can't see how any God would condone anything which is unjust or hateful.
Only it seems Governments are throwing morals out the window for votes and trying to rewrite history as new laws.
Personally it drives me friggin nuts and i truly dislike religions as they are atm and how they force themselves on the world. Wether it's muslims calling us all infidels or the pope saying you cant wear a condom.....i dont give a crap just be tolerant and let people do their own thing.
Doing their own thing is coming with a penalty right now and has slowly been getting worse in the form of anarchy. Not remember 2011? god knows what might kick off if we get a hot summer. I'm dreading to think with all the hate thats brewing.