I got a couple of NECA Predators. I got the Ultimate Jungle Hunter and Ultimate Predator 2 Elder. They are my favourite versions of Kevin Peter Hall in the suits. You can so tell the Elder is a much later sculpt as it looks so much better than the Jungle Hunter. The sculpting on the unmasked JH head is ok, the paint a bit less so. The markings on the forehead are way off and there are bits missing on the brows. The hands all need a full repaint, the backs are all wrong and there is paint missing on the gloves. All of which I intend to fix.
The only real nit I could find on the Elder is that there are brass bits on the flintlock that should be natural metal. Aside from that I couldn't see anything else, which is good for later NECA. The Jungle Hunters varied from year to year and the year code on mine is 2021.