When can we see some 1/6th scale Droids?

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Super Freak
Sep 14, 2006
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Nearly two years into the line, by far we have got:
Sith Probe Droid
Jedi Training Remote Droid
Senate Cam Droid

When will we get to see some proper Droids with arms and legs?
Nearly two years into the line, by far we have got:
Sith Probe Droid
Jedi Training Remote Droid
Senate Cam Droid

When will we get to see some proper Droids with arms and legs?

I really have no idea, but Sideshow generally likes to made figures that use their standard body, and then only change the head and outfit (they reuse the hands in many cases). I assume this is largely a cost-cutting measure, and one that reduces R&D time. Considering the time it's taking to get even one armored figure (which would still presumably use a standard body underneath the armor), I'm not all that optimistic about getting figures that would require completely new bodies each time. On thing is for sure -- they'd have to be more expensive than the average SS Star Wars figure.
I really have no idea, but Sideshow generally likes to made figures that use their standard body, and then only change the head and outfit (they reuse the hands in many cases). I assume this is largely a cost-cutting measure, and one that reduces R&D time. Considering the time it's taking to get even one armored figure (which would still presumably use a standard body underneath the armor), I'm not all that optimistic about getting figures that would require completely new bodies each time. On thing is for sure -- they'd have to be more expensive than the average SS Star Wars figure.

Hands on the male figures have all been the same unless "alien" like Kit, Plo or Sidious. The armored figures will likely be on the new body.
Hands on the male figures have all been the same unless "alien" like Kit, Plo or Sidious. The armored figures will likely be on the new body.

Yes, I would hope the upcoming armored figures would be on the new style body, but my point is that they would still reuse it (share it) from figure to figure, instead of making a new body each time, which would presumably be required for most droids. On the other hand, they probably would not have to make the droids super articulated, so that might make it a little easier.
I realised I forgot to mention Darth Sidious with Mechno-chair. I thought that was a pretty close attempt to any SW Droids.
If SSC can create a 1/6th scale item of such complexity, then coming up with items like Battle Droids ought to be feasible.
I am so hoping we get some droids soon as well. 3PO and R2 would be nice, but I'd love to see some of the others. 2-1B, FX-7, and an IMPERIAL PROBE DROID!!!!

When and if Sidshow does ever get around to making Battle Droids, Destroyer Droids and Pit Droids I hope they make them to where they can actually fold up like they do in the films.
Obviously Sideshow has taken the path of least resistance by making the "easy" characters first. Not that I blame them - they've afforded us more figures, at a high quality. Making the droids will require all-new molds which cost lots of money, considerably more than the typical dressed-up Art Buck. The droids will be made eventually because they're THAT important characters, but who knows til when.

The process used for Jabba and the throne is cheaper than making the droids would be. Jabba is rotocast vinyl, which is made from temporary molds, just as well as the throne which is all polystone.
"Droids? We don't serve their kind."

I realised I forgot to mention Darth Sidious with Mechno-chair. I thought that was a pretty close attempt to any SW Droids.
If SSC can create a 1/6th scale item of such complexity, then coming up with items like Battle Droids ought to be feasible.

I just hope they do a better job on the droids than they did on that chair. The legs on mine bent out of shape in a few hours of being on display, and in general it's just not a very impressive example of engineering.
Hands on the male figures have all been the same unless "alien" like Kit, Plo or Sidious. The armored figures will likely be on the new body.

Why is everybody talking about a "new body?" I thought they only collaborated with HT to make the smaller bodies, where are these rumors about a new body coming from?

Why is everybody talking about a "new body?" I thought they only collaborated with HT to make the smaller bodies, where are these rumors about a new body coming from?

The new bodies are for all body-types and more, is what Sideshow said at SDCC.
The new bodies are for all body-types and more, is what Sideshow said at SDCC.

And to expand on that: The Hot Toys/SS bodies are modular, so that they can be extended or shortened depending upon need. However these bodies wouldn't be used for anything like Yoda short as it would require his own special body.
with SS slowing down their 1/6 sw line, (probably putting more resource into indy) I dont think we'll see droids till 2009 at the soonest.
I believe all the companies are slowing down with there SW lines. Well maybe not Hasbro but the higher end companies are.
A thought just hit me. What are the chances that SSC will make C-3PO via using a buck/new body, black bodysuit, and droid plating? What would be cheaper to do, make a completely new 3PO or make 3PO armor and put it on a body?