When will we finally get to see Wolverine in his costume in a live action movie?

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Broke and happy
Jul 25, 2008
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All due respect to Hugh Jackman and everyone who's had their hand in the production of these X-Men and Wolverine Movies but....


When will fans finally get to see Wolverine in his costume in one of these movies?!?

You know I would love to see a full CGI wolverine in a live action film. I think that is truly the only way to bring the comic wolvie to life in real world surroundings. CGI can be very photo realistic so it could work and he could interact with real live actors very believably if the right animation studio did the effects...
As much as I would love to see that happen, I'm a little worried about how the comic book vision would translate on screen. I've been pretty content with Wolverine's image on the big screen, but maybe one day, we'll see the costume we all know (and envision).
Take a look at Gollum, POTC, Benjamin Button, CGI is there, I think it would look a bit jarring at first but I think people would get used to the mesh of CGI true comic book characters and real world surroundings and other live actors.
Take a look at Gollum, POTC, Benjamin Button, CGI is there, I think it would look a bit jarring at first but I think people would get used to the mesh of CGI true comic book characters and real world surroundings and other live actors.

I agree, technology is now there where the marriage of practical and CGI would be the solution to pulling it off.
I dont think Wolverine is the kind of over the top character that needs to be full CGI. Davy Jones and Gollum for sure, but not a character that can easily be performed by a human, like Wolverine.

CGI actions scenes sure, but not a complete CGI character.
I wouldn't be surprised if the next installment of X-Movies would include full costuming but probably tailored to look more like the X-Men costuming from the films...
Jackman has said its not a practical outfit and wouldnt translate well.
He looks fine in black leathers.
Spidey, Supes, and Batman look pretty decent with their relatively outrageous costumes in movie form. I think Wolvie could look OK, too, though they may want to focus a bit more on the muted tones of his brown costume over the gaudier bright yellow and blue. They should probably also avoid making his "ears" too large, but he has the crazy, unrealistic "Wolvie" hair in the movies and nobody seems to care, so maybe that won't matter.

I would like to see how the guys who did Bale Batman's respective outfits might handle it.

I also don't think that Wolvie needs CGI. He moves fast, but doesn't need to fly around like Spidey. Conceivably, and actual acrobat could do most of what Wolvie could.
Just like how HULK needs to be CGI and not some guy painted green, I think Wolverine's true comic book look and action will never translate well in live action unless its done in complete CGI (that also goes for a lot of other comic book characters).
Just like how HULK needs to be CGI and not some guy painted green, I think Wolverine's true comic book look and action will never translate well in live action unless its done in complete CGI (that also goes for a lot of other comic book characters).

Speaking of that, and I know this is digressing, but do you think that the Thing should have been CGI? I've always wondered how that would have turned out.
Yes he is another character that just doesn't look very good with a actor under makeup.
Just like how HULK needs to be CGI and not some guy painted green, I think Wolverine's true comic book look and action will never translate well in live action unless its done in complete CGI (that also goes for a lot of other comic book characters).

How? He's just a short, buff guy with a crazy hair style. Other than being too tall, Jackman looks pretty close to the character.

As for costumes, I think yellow and brown spandex would be pretty ridiculous, though I could imagine Jackman wearing a leather uniform with dark brown accents, and a redesigned mask similiar to Batman's, which would be pretty cool.
It'll unfortunately never happen. :(
But I think a slightly altered version of the Brown and yellow costume could work perfectly on screen. Best to use more of a yellow tinted film though.