Super Freak
I know, I just did unload 2 Mang but i'm expecting 3.Whenever you need some, I can hook you up Mang!!
2 steps back 3 steps forward!!

I know, I just did unload 2 Mang but i'm expecting 3.Whenever you need some, I can hook you up Mang!!
2 steps back 3 steps forward!!i don't need any at the moment mag
I see, you dont have any busts already do you?.. I guess you exhausted the 1:6 world!!
what will happen when you get all the busts and masks and 1:6 stuff?
I think you should start collecting other lines bro
y not aliens? i would have thought they would go hand in hand with a pred collection.
I really dont Dig Aliens that much, they seem to simple to me. I know I will own a Alien Bust some day but thats about it...
well you could buy them then pose them like they are getting pwned, not only would it make the aliens look weak but it would make your preds look way more badass.
can't believe you only really like one franchise and nothing compares to it....mang![]()
Yeah, I try to stay away from other stuff so my spending wont get out of controll too Mang, thats why I mainly focus on Predator Stuff...
sounds like a plan to me
Yeah, I try to stay away from other stuff so my spending wont get out of controll too Mang, thats why I mainly focus on Predator Stuff...
oh man, I feel you on that one.
If I start on one thing, usually i end up getting alot of what goes with it.
I just got to focus on one thing, if i get just random things they look out of place and loney. And then I buy more stuff.
But its got to stop, I just dont know when?
Yep, you must be careful, especially with Preds, if you already bought one, you are in for it man, Brace yourself for the cravings...![]()
I get cravings but they don't draw me in! I have all the preds i want so far and the LH just doesn't impress me