Another vote for Casino Royale here.
I like Batman Begins, but I clearly don't love it as much as some here do. While it certainly was an improvement over Batman & Robin, I did not like it any better than -- and in some aspects even as much as -- the Burton films.
To me, the tumbler was almost as laughable as the "batnipples" from B&R. It was only included because the filmmakers knew it would pique the interest of a certain testosterone-imbalanced segment of the movie-going public, not because it fit well or added anything of significance to the Batman backstory or mythos.
I find it rather humorous the way so many people defend Begins by saying it is so "realistic" and "gritty". Folks, we're talking about a guy who roams around in the middle of the night wearing a bat costume, "fighting crime". That is about as far from realistic as it gets. In the real world, he would be either dead or detained at someplace like Guantanamo, not lauded by the police commissioner.
He's a comic book superhero. Maybe he doesn't have traditional "superpowers", but he does fight against some superpowered villians. In my opinion, he only really shines on the big screen when that notion is remembered, and adhered to. And, again IMO, Begins only did an adequate job of that.