Which LOTR Film?

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Which LOTR do u like the best?

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As much as I love all three films and see them as one story the same way that others do, I have a real soft spot for FOTR. I enjoy seeing the entire fellowship together and the Mines of Moria was always one of my favorite parts of the book. Besides - Fellowship is the only portion of the story with Gandalf the Grey!

I agree with Redman in his statement that the reason we enjoy it so much is to experience the epic journey that these characters embark upon. I'm not sure I can think of any story where the characters evolve so naturally over the course of the tale to fulfill their own destinies.
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I see it as one film, but I love them all individually for various reasons. Each film has a particularly moving moment and theme that is unique to it, so it's really hard to pick a favorite. However, like most others here, FotR for me has left a lasting impression and is probably the one I enjoy watching the most overall.
Has to be Fellowship for me personally. I prefer the story just dealing with the Fellowship and the Hobbits and Elves... before the story starts delving into the 'world of Men'.....
I personally like FOTR. I just love the flow of the film, setting the stage for the story and the introduction of the main characters. Mines of Moria and the fall of Gandalf is my most favorite part of the entire trilogy. There are aspects of the other two films I like, but they just don't have the cohesiveness like FOTR does.
FOTR. I could nit-pick at some things in the other 2 but for me FOTR is flawless. Except from Tom Bombadil not being in it ;)
FOTR is just one of those movies i can watch again and again and not get bored with.
FOTR. I could nit-pick at some things in the other 2 but for me FOTR is flawless. Except from Tom Bombadil not being in it ;)
FOTR is just one of those movies i can watch again and again and not get bored with.
That sums it up perfectly for me(aside from Bombadil, sorry FE:monkey3), I can watch FOTR over and over, its just perfect for me. so that one gets my vote
x :peace
1.FOTR: Perfect to me, though Bombadil should have been part of the EE.

2.TTT: Still very good, but some inconsistencies (Treebeard's change of mood etc.). Also started the cursed running gag with Legolas and Gimli, as if it was needed.

3.ROTK: Suffered a little from some very unfortunate directoral decisions, e.g. the "three endings", too much time wasted on the outro which could have been used to improve cuts and flow etc. Also some subpar CGI (Army of the Dead).
For me, FOTR is the one that I can rewatch over and over. Meeting many of the characters for the first time, the fall of Gandalf in Moria, the Balrog, the Ringwraiths, Boromir's death, going to see the elves....it was heartwarming, suspenseful at times as well as heartbreaking. The shots were just gorgeous and the imagery and great acting sucked me into the story hook, line and sinker.
I love the others as well - particulary the battle scenes - sometimes I got a little bored with some of the scenes with Sam/Frodo/Gollum after repeated viewings and find myself wanting to fast forward - I found I really loved watching what Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli were up to - it was a bit faster paced and keeps my attention. I know this story backwards and forwards and the more suspenseful/action packed the scene is, the more likely my attention won't wander onto something else.
All three offered the one shot - you know the one where you get goosebumps (and for me get teary). In FOTR it was when the Fellowship run out of Moria after Gandalf goes down with the Balrog and you see them crying and it's just this epic beautiful shot. In The Two Towers it's when the Ents go to war and you see them marching to what may be their final doom...(also when Sam gives his speech at the end about not giving up and fighting for what is good in this world). In ROTK - it's when Pippen lights the beacons - the music and cinematography are breathtaking - and then the scene towards the end when Aragorn says "This is for Frodo" and they run to what would most likely be their death if the ring hadn't gotten destroyed.
Well I think I wrote more than was intended so I will stop there. :lol
In FOTR it was when the Fellowship run out of Moria after Gandalf goes down with the Balrog and you see them crying and it's just this epic beautiful shot.

The music in that scene is some of the best out of the entire trilogy.
I am glad that will never actually have to choose. But if a choice had to be made to keep one and destroy the others, I would have to go with ROTK. The scene when Eowyn kills the Witch King Ringwraith has an impact all it's own for me. Even without a face, the director did a great job of showing the despair in the Witch King when Eowyn removed her helm and said "I am no man", and he realized that he wasn't un-killable after all.

I still get shivers thinking about that scene.
For me, FOTR is the one that I can rewatch over and over. Meeting many of the characters for the first time, the fall of Gandalf in Moria, the Balrog, the Ringwraiths, Boromir's death, going to see the elves....it was heartwarming, suspenseful at times as well as heartbreaking. The shots were just gorgeous and the imagery and great acting sucked me into the story hook, line and sinker.
I love the others as well - particulary the battle scenes - sometimes I got a little bored with some of the scenes with Sam/Frodo/Gollum after repeated viewings and find myself wanting to fast forward - I found I really loved watching what Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli were up to - it was a bit faster paced and keeps my attention. I know this story backwards and forwards and the more suspenseful/action packed the scene is, the more likely my attention won't wander onto something else.
All three offered the one shot - you know the one where you get goosebumps (and for me get teary). In FOTR it was when the Fellowship run out of Moria after Gandalf goes down with the Balrog and you see them crying and it's just this epic beautiful shot. In The Two Towers it's when the Ents go to war and you see them marching to what may be their final doom...(also when Sam gives his speech at the end about not giving up and fighting for what is good in this world). In ROTK - it's when Pippen lights the beacons - the music and cinematography are breathtaking - and then the scene towards the end when Aragorn says "This is for Frodo" and they run to what would most likely be their death if the ring hadn't gotten destroyed.
Well I think I wrote more than was intended so I will stop there. :lol

I would also add the scene in the RotK when the Rohirrim cavalry charge into battle at Pelennor Fields. That entire scene just gets me all choked up from beginning to end.