What assumptions am I making?
For starters you're assuming I haven't "forgiven" our government for the two massacres. But of course that's not the point - it's a red herring intended to shift discussion away from the fact that our cavalier overseas adventurism just might in some way have led to what happened on September 11. There's a reason nobody flew planes into Zurich. You can't knock over a few ant hills without expecting to eventually get bit, which was Wright's point.
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll stick your head in the sand and deny any sort of causal link between our behavior and terrorism (even our own terrorism - and who trained bin Laden, and why? D'oh!). And then when someone who was here on this day decides to retaliate you can throw your arms in the air and ask "why us?"
Perhaps Jeremiah Wright finds it reprehensible that the US dropped those bombs, but I doubt the parents of all those young boys who returned home safely do, or any other Americans for that matter who love their country.
I don't think any sane human being thinks dropping atomic weapons on civilian populations is anything short of reprehensible, to be honest. It's quite possible to love one's country and think its military decisions are obscene. And frankly I'm doing everything I can to not bust a gut laughing by listening to blowhard speechifying about protecting "our boys" by someone looking to vote for a candidate who's constantly supported having our troops in harm's way for no reason whatsoever all while his party is slashing combat pay and cutting veterans' aid services. And who, incidentally, is writing about it on a toy forum from the safety of his home instead of putting his money where his mouth is and standing in the desert with a gun in his hand.
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