I snapped a couple of pics, Topknot is in the above pic, Shorty is below with the horned helmet.
If it isn't clear, in the comics Machiko is living with a clan of Predators, since she does not understand their language, well... besides bits and pieces, she nicknames them all for her own benefit to tell them apart.
Broken Tusk had a broken, well, tusk. Shorty was not tall. Topknot put some of his 'dreads' up, in a little knot.
I'd buy the comic Preds because I'm a fan of the comics, hell... if any were done based on Alex Maleev's art, I'd ^^^^ my pants in joy. - But, from what I've gathered, a lot of the people buying the Aliens and Predators, dislike or haven't read the comics, and generally call people who have, 'fanboys'. So, I don't really see them selling well... plus, some of the Predators in comics looked a little... well, bad. I was genuinely shocked to see Machiko get made.
If Hot Toys did a re-imagining of some of those Predators, like they did with her, they might sell really well, I just don't see Shorty, in a gold helmet and blue armor being a big hit.