Which trilogy do you prefer?

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Is there a BthF 4 in the works now? Oh man, Ewoks. Cool.

LotR. Fantasy at its finest.
I believe he was referencing my post about Back to the Future III above his.

My bad. My pure unadulterated hatred of RotJ caused me to not read properly.


Star Wars is always first with me.

Same here.... It's just too embedded into my brain, and attached to so many great memories. LOTR is far more emotional, and also very very close to being the top. But I doubt anything will ever dethrone SW as the top trilogy in my mind.
I used to like Pirates...but i've been liking the 3rd less everytime I watch it. Its still entertaining, and brings cool memories...but eh. I like it better then the PT for sure.
Indiana Jones. :rock

Out of the two, I voted Star Wars. I grew up on it, and the first three are classics that have really stood up well.
I just couldn't get into LOTR. Sword and sorcery/dungeons and dragons, medieval British-type fantasy isn't really my thing.
You've neglected the best Trilogy of them all, one that I think would (listen, because this in the important bit!) be accepted the most widely appreicated by most people, in my opinion. I honestly think that anybody despite their age group, sex, race or religion... that most would like this Trilogy the most out of all of them. Because of this trilogy great use of polite comedy, great visual effects and a great story, editing & cast of characters that most people could relate to despite their background, even with the sci-fi plotline...

Back To The Future, Parts II & III are all gold and I honestly believe that they'd be the most wildly appreciated by most people, but overlooked at the same time!
No, it's a part of a tetralogy. And technically Star Wars is a six-part story, not a trilogy anymore. So if we can ignore the recent films with that series, then I don't know why we can't with Indy.

And at the end of the day, who gives a ^^^^?
I do.

And I dunno...you can seperate the two Star Warses. They may tell one story, but they're so vastly different that they are....well different.
So you're telling me the visual style, plot and quality of KOTCS meshes perfectly with the near 20 year old "original" trilogy which had their own unique tone and styles and were made by the same crew in a period of eight years?

And by that logic, will LOTR cease to be a trilogy once The Hobbit films come out?
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