If you were married, I can see where she is going with this, but if you just started seeing each other, then she's way overreacting to this. I would say just ease her into it and let her know this is you and who you are. A few girls I dated in the past didn't accept my collection and said I had to grow up, needless to say I'm no longer with them, the current girl I'm with accepts me for who I am regardless of what collectibles I have in my room, I'm also financially stable so money is never an issue. She laughed at first when she saw my room and said it was "cute", but she would never get into this stuff, a year down the road, she's going to comic cons with me and collecting figures herself, so it really depends on the person also, sometimes you may think the person is right for you, but as time passes by, you will realize if you're really compatible. Give it time and if she's really serious about you, then she will accept you and your collection, if she doesn't, but you still want to be with her, then just narrow down the collection and make select buys just to show her it's under control, but a person can never change who you are. When you're married and have a kid along the way, everything I just said goes out the window, you will be willing to give it up for your child. Just take it slow and see where it gets you. I know a lot of collectors on here who are happily married with children and their spouses accept their collection (they may limit the size of growth), but they still accept it. Best of luck to you.