Whiplash Mark II/Relationship Advice

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Together three months and has never been to your apartment. Then she gets there and starts talking marriage, long term future and how you spend your money between you two?

Sorry man, but she is not good and will only cause you more trouble. The minute she mentioned marriage would have been a red flag for me.

A word to the "not-so-wise" about your little girlfriend. Do what you need to with her, then broom her fast.
I have been going out with my gf for 8 years now and the number one thing is being honest with her. Makes life just easier

8 years without having to commit to marriage? You, sir, are my idol ! :rock
I'll keep this simple: R-U-N (preferably as fast as you can). When you get far enough away to look back you'll realize that you dodged one hell of a bullet.
Wai-fu much cheaper than real-flesh girlfriend; can wash or replace when necessary;

Wai-fu don't need IHOP for sustenance; however might get wanted/un-wanted attention when taken to IHOP for those special dates;

Wai-fu don't judge your spending/collecting/personal habits;

Wai-fu don't bring up Wai-fu's parents' marital/money problems;

WAI-FU is the answer to ALL you aforementioned problems!
I showed my wife my figures one time and and she gave me a sympathetic cuddle then we made sweet love on a fluffy rainbow:clap:clap:clap:hi5::yess::yess::yess::panic::panic: :clap:hi5::hi5:
My collecting was made easier by the fact my first Hot Toys piece was purchased as a gift to me by my wife. She's totally cool with the whole thing as long as I keep it in the budget. I buy 3-4 pieces a year, and a statue or two.

You need to decide where the compromise belongs, but ask yourself if you have had a knee-jerk reaction to anything she's done that equals the one she had about you. If you have, she might deserve a freebee.

But you do need to be on the same page about your fanboy stuff.
Maybe think about this in reverse.

If you went over to her room and found that she has a shoe collection and an very expensive purse collection..would 3 months be too early for you to decide if you want to continue onward with the relationship?

I don't fault the girl for thinking about financial stability..just like how I wouldn't fault you for wanting a lower maintenance girl.

When you question why a girl would spend 2k on a gucci bag..you should think she's wondering the same about your whiplash 2.0.
I think all relationship boils down to trust. You need to trust her to have good intentions in asking you to manage your finances, in turn, she needs to trust you that you are managing your finances and not burning the house to the ground at every turn.

3 months is way too early for this...there are other events :yess: that should occur before getting to this stage...

Great job "scoring" the Whiplash...

Oh, and you don't have that strange of a hobby that you can't talk to her...It's not like you are Bruce Wayne or Christian Grey...are you?
Is there going to be a poll or is there going to be a poll? Where is the poll? GF/Potential wife or Hot Toys? Toys or a girlfriend? What is this?
Most women are looking for financial stability in a long-term relationship. 1-3 months is a bit early to be getting into that sort of entanglement, however. My wife came up with the perfect solution to finances in our house (she's a corporate accountant): don't mix finances. Break down the household bills as a percentage of income. Once all the bills are paid and accounted for, whatever money is left over for each person is theirs to do with as they please, no questions asked. We haven't fought about money in over 20 years. NEVER combine finances. NEVER.
She's only 22... WAY too early to be thinking marriage. Half of all marriages end in divorce, and as a former P.I. I can tell you a lot of it is due to people getting married too young.
I don't know... but in such a situation for me, the girl's usually impressed!

When I calculate everything I've got, it's equivalent to the cost of a brand new car. And I have a brand new car.

No problem.

Jaysus. A reaction like that after seeing just one Hot Toys figure? *looks around at army of Terminators, Robocops, dioramas and giant Batmobile*
My wife collects hot toys too lol. I don't have any advice for you lol. Seriously though, conditional love is never solid. Need to find a connection with someone who is unconditionally accepting of you. Thats all there is to it.