Who is the most overrated character in all of Star Wars?

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Super Freak
Sep 15, 2006
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As a kid, I used to love Boba Fett. He was mysterious and had cool armour and helmet and a rocket pack. We knew next to nothing about him except that he was a mail-away figure for a character that would be revealed in the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special and from the upcoming Empire Strikes Back sequel. In the last 30 years, Boba Fett has become the most bankable character of the franchise and I'm just sick to death of him. The prequels really tainted my image of him. So what I'd like to know is who you think is the most overrated, overhyped and overexposed character of the Star Wars saga.
Darth Vader. :(

I used to think that he was the epitome of the badass evil dude. In the end, he was just a whiney little brat with too much power who blames everyone else for all the problems he created himself.
Monk said:
Darth Vader. :(

I used to think that he was the epitome of the badass evil dude. In the end, he was just a whiney little brat with too much power who blames everyone else for all the problems he created himself.

dekadentdave said:
Sounds like George Bush. :lol

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Overrated? Hmm. That's a tough one. If you mean, "Which character is more popular then they deserve to be" then I don't know how to answer, since I think that all of the characters are endearing and worthy of popularity in one way or another. Boba Fett might not be that important a character (unless you happen to have liked the cliffhanger ending of Empire Strikes Back that he was responsible for) but he is still one of my favorites, and definitely my favorite when it comes to collectibles, because of the character design. You can look at many of the prequel Jedi and make the same argument--Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti are all more popular than they "deserve" to be based on their screen time and importance to the plot. But minor background characters can gain a following of their own. Just because I am not a huge Shaak Ti fan, I am not going to say that she is overrated.

If we are just talking about merchandising and unwarranted collectibles, then I would say that it's a three way tie between the Mustafar Lava Miner, the Coruscant Fire Speeder Pilot, and Lushros Dofine.
dekadentdave said:
As a kid, I used to love Boba Fett. He was mysterious and had cool armour and helmet and a rocket pack. We knew next to nothing about him except that he was a mail-away figure for a character that would be revealed in the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special and from the upcoming Empire Strikes Back sequel. In the last 30 years, Boba Fett has become the most bankable character of the franchise and I'm just sick to death of him. The prequels really tainted my image of him. So what I'd like to know is who you think is the most overrated, overhyped and overexposed character of the Star Wars saga.

Blasphemy !!!! :emperor
I agree with Tom. It's hard to say really because they're all special enough IMO and make SW what it is. Some feel Maul is overrated but IMO he is one of the characters that makes the PT so special for me.