Who is the most overrated character in all of Star Wars?

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I kind of find if funny SW Fans picking stuff out of SW that's overrated. I know lots of freaking people that would say SW itself is overrated. There are as many parts of the OT and it's characters that could be considered overrated as there is in the PT. I'm a SW fan and that means the whole thing PT+CW+OT+EU=SW.
First off, the EU does not suck. There is a lot of not so great material out there. But there's also a lot of great reads and interesting characters and plots that go on in the EU.

And Boba Fett is the most overrated character (Sorry Tom). He's a very interesting character and I can't wait to find out more about him in the TV series but all he did was track the Falcon. Vader was the one that captured them while Fett hid behind a wall until the coast was clear.
Agent0028 said:
Who is that?

Hard to say, Boba is pretty over rated from a certain point of view, he was really more of a filler character to advance the plot. I can see why Maul could be considered overrated, because he is cool looking and an awesome fighter, but the series wouldn't miss much without him, except TPM may not be as good as it is. I think you can put Count Dooku on the list too, he's my favorite Sith, but he really didn't do anything in the movies.

Personally I think Lando is overrated, I've never really cared for him or understood why he is so popular. Please don't hurt me.

Yarna is the fat dancer chic in ROTJ with 6 breasts.
jlcmsu said:
I'm a SW fan and that means the whole thing PT+CW+OT+EU=SW.

That's your opinion Josh and you're entitled to it, but I don't agree. The EU is pretty much non existent to me. I don't have to accept it unless it's put on screen by Lucas. Even he has said that the EU is neat, but it's not Star Wars unless he puts it on screen ( Yes, I saw an interview where he said it ). I also know he changes his mind all the time.

The only thing in the EU I even paid attention to was the Clone Wars cartoons because it led right up to the start of Ep III.

If you want to accept the EU and call it Star Wars that's fine, but I don't buy into it. I could write a story myself and call it part of the EU, but it doesn't make it a part of the story that was put on screen. As far as I am concerned Star Wars ends at the end of ROTJ unless Lucas decides to make Ep VII, VIII and IX.
KitFisto said:
That's your opinion Josh and you're entitled to it, but I don't agree. The EU is pretty much non existent to me. I don't have to accept it unless it's put on screen by Lucas. Even he has said that the EU is neat, but it's not Star Wars unless he puts it on screen ( Yes, I saw an interview where he said it ). I also know he changes his mind all the time.

The only thing in the EU I even paid attention to was the Clone Wars cartoons because it led right up to the start of Ep III.

If you want to accept the EU and call it Star Wars that's fine, but I don't buy into it. I could write a story myself and call it part of the EU, but it doesn't make it a part of the story that was put on screen. As far as I am concerned Star Wars ends at the end of ROTJ unless Lucas decides to make Ep VII, VIII and IX.

Next time you come down, you're taking all my SW novels. They are really enjoyable and I haven't read a crappy one yet (of course I've only read a handful and those at the recomendations of others here)
jlcmsu said:
I kind of find if funny SW Fans picking stuff out of SW that's overrated. I know lots of freaking people that would say SW itself is overrated. There are as many parts of the OT and it's characters that could be considered overrated as there is in the PT. I'm a SW fan and that means the whole thing PT+CW+OT+EU=SW.

I have to disagree with you slightly Josh--- but then that causes good discussion, correct?

SW for me involves the PT+CW+OT... and that's it. (and yes I have read the Zahn novels when they first came out and loved them--- as well as a large number of comics dealing recently with the clone war)

I bought Ventress from SS due to her involvement in the cartoon (which I love and watch between Episode II and III all the time) and that the exc. essentially gives you two figs for the price of one. I don't think I'll buy many other EU characters as I don't have the same connection/affection for them as I do for those I saw on screen. Admiral Thrawn would be interesting-- but I think I'd be able to hold off buying him--- the EU is for people who are starved for more (not that that's a bad thing) and I'm quite happy with the storylines that were presented already (and maybe more in tv/cartoon form to come).

Leia's twins? Luke's wife?... I don't really consider that these things exist. For me anyway that's how I see it---

And back to the original question--- I'd say Boba. Man, how bad to you suck when a blind guy knocks you into the Sarlacc Pit? (and I love the character--- but man is he overrated for merely a "look").
KitFisto said:
That's your opinion Josh and you're entitled to it, but I don't agree. The EU is pretty much non existent to me. I don't have to accept it unless it's put on screen by Lucas. Even he has said that the EU is neat, but it's not Star Wars unless he puts it on screen ( Yes, I saw an interview where he said it ). I also know he changes his mind all the time.

That's fine. Not all of the EU is that hot. What I've read I really enjoyed but I've stuck to the stuff that ties directly into the movies and it really puts everything together. It also gives the characters from the movies more depth at least the Maul Novels, LOE, etc have IMO. I just don't subscribe to the fact because it wasn't on screen it's not SW. If you do that's great but I think you're not giving yourself the full SW experience.

KitFisto said:
If you want to accept the EU and call it Star Wars that's fine, but I don't buy into it. I could write a story myself and call it part of the EU, but it doesn't make it a part of the story that was put on screen. As far as I am concerned Star Wars ends at the end of ROTJ unless Lucas decides to make Ep VII, VIII and IX.

Again, I think you're short changing yourself. Give some of it a chance and I think you'll find out it's really interesting. The thing I like is that it gives more depth to the characters and answers some of the who, what, when, where, and why's. It's your right to not like it and all that jazz but I would say give it a chance. Don't be so closed minded to what might actually enhance what you love about SW.
I think the most overrrated character is Yoda. Hes like in every scene and movie except a new hope. He was a wonderful character in the original movies, but got way to much screen time in the prequels for my taste. I nearly got sick of his backwards talking by episode 2, and he is one of my favorite characters. I think he was just too overexposed. I like the mysterious yoda from empire and return. :D (ps dont kill me:eek: )
DarthNeil said:
the EU is for people who are starved for more (not that that's a bad thing) and I'm quite happy with the storylines that were presented already (and maybe more in tv/cartoon form to come).

I wouldn't say starved but I do like knowing more than just what I see. I've always been that way though. The more information I have the better. I will agree some of the EU just sucks it's not very good but I keep myself to the stories that add to the movies.
The absolutely most overused, make me puke character...


You're saying I am not giving myself the "full" SW exp. I don't agree because the the stuff your pointing out is the SW world as interpreted by someone outside the story. Again, anyone can write a story. You even said you're being selective in what you read so that would also say that you're not giving yourself he "full" exp. Leaving anything out would be shorting yourself.

Plain and simple. Star Wars was a movie and then a trilogy. Then a second trilogy. The novels, comics and all that stuff was and is other people cashing in on the fanboys starving for anything.

I am not putting it down if you like it. I am just saying that it's not part of the SW universe to me.
jlcmsu said:
I wouldn't say starved but I do like knowing more than just what I see. I've always been that way though. The more information I have the better. I will agree some of the EU just sucks it's not very good but I keep myself to the stories that add to the movies.

I agree---- for example that moment at the end of the CW cartoon when Mace force chokes Grievous to give him the raspy cough, seeing that kind of stuff adds to the overall enjoyment of the movies (or for that matter even the back story of how Grievous became a cyborg through Dooku's manipulation). For me I guess Chewie is still alive. People who subsribe that the EU is SW think he's dead. To me he's alive and :chew
PT lover = Jedi lover (dresses in a $100 cloak with a Hasbro lightsaber)
OT lover = Empire lover (dresses in $1000 accurate Stormtrooper armor)
OT + PT lover = Clone lover (dresses in $2000 accurate Clonetrooper armor)

Shropt said:
PT lover = Jedi lover (dresses in a $100 cloak with a Hasbro lightsaber)
OT lover = Empire lover (dresses in $1000 accurate Stormtrooper armor)
OT + PT lover = Clone lover (dresses in $2000 accurate Clonetrooper armor)

Having trouble going to the bathroom in all your armor= priceless. :D
El Roranous said:
Having trouble going to the bathroom in all your armor= priceless. :D

You don't know the half of it. :lol

I could tell you a story from last year's Wizard World Chicago...

...well let's just say it wasn't pretty. :D

No it wasn't me.:monkey3
Just thought of an EU character that is overrated (and does appear in the PT). Quinlan Vos = Wolverine (for purely financial big business reasons)

Question--- if Quinlan Vos was sitting right there (as he's shown) on Tattoine when Qui Gon, STRANDED, is looking for help why didn't he step forward and help his jedi-brother? Oh wait, it's probably explained in some obscure EU book... forget I asked. I'm better off not knowing. :lol
I didn't think that was actually Vos, I thought it was just the chap they took his likeness from. Besides he prolly didn't do it because the force told him not too. Canned instant continuity fixer...the force made him do it.

I've never understood the vehemence against the EU from those who don't read it.
KitFisto said:
You're saying I am not giving myself the "full" SW exp. I don't agree because the the stuff your pointing out is the SW world as interpreted by someone outside the story. Again, anyone can write a story.

Actually a lot of it is being done while working with Lucas or at least the stuff I read has been done with him working "somewhat" on it. It's not at all like you can just write something and it be taken as EU there is a process. I'm just saying I think you would enjoy some of the EU if you gave it a chance.

KitFisto said:
You even said you're being selective in what you read so that would also say that you're not giving yourself he "full" exp. Leaving anything out would be shorting yourself.

I am being selective. It's just I'm not choosing the read the rest of the EU. I'm not saying it is garbage and all that jazz.

KitFisto said:
Plain and simple. Star Wars was a movie and then a trilogy. Then a second trilogy. The novels, comics and all that stuff was and is other people cashing in on the fanboys starving for anything.

I am not putting it down if you like it. I am just saying that it's not part of the SW universe to me.

Star Wars is more than just the movies. If it was then we wouldn't have anything based on them. No toys, figures, statues, etc. All of that is just stuff cashing in.

As far as the Novels and Comics cashing in on fanboys starving for anything thats kind of insulting to anyone who likes it. In other words you're not a fanboy if you like the movies and only the movies. So you're putting people down if you like it.

For me SW is more than just the movies. It's a whole universe of stories beyond what we saw on screen.

DarthNeil said:
I agree---- for example that moment at the end of the CW cartoon when Mace force chokes Grievous to give him the raspy cough, seeing that kind of stuff adds to the overall enjoyment of the movies (or for that matter even the back story of how Grievous became a cyborg through Dooku's manipulation). For me I guess Chewie is still alive. People who subsribe that the EU is SW think he's dead. To me he's alive and :chew

Right. It's those kind of things with the EU that I like and what I'm talking about. Like the Darth Maul Novel that talk about his actions leading into TPM that gives him some more backstory or LOE that gives the events between AOTC and TPM. The stuff like Chewie dying is just too out there for me.

customizerwannabe said:


You don't have to like aftermarket fluff to be a fan.

So if you feel all that stuff makes SW you're a fanboy? That's awesome of you. :rolleyes:

I like all those things. Not every part of the EU but for me they all make it =SW and if that makes me a fanboy then whatever.
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As usual Josh, you see YOUR point of view and your's alone. I guess to you the Ewok cartoon adventures and muppet guest spots are part of it and count?

Count whatever you want to. You're allowed just like I am allowed to discount whatever I want to. Yes, to ME the movies are SW, not every little thing someone feels like cashing in on.

One novelist can kill Chewie and another can decide to bring him back if he feels like it. It's just silly. There are SO many books, comics, video's, games and whatever else you can think of.

SW is a money making machine plain and simple and they will bleed it dry with whatever they can come up with. It doesn't mean we all have to buy into it. To me, SW = movies.