Who is the most overrated character in all of Star Wars?

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He was definitely quoted as being embarrassed about playing old Obi

kodiak8658 said:
Add a third 'w' to read about how Guinness really felt. A short one but do a google for more.

Hmm, seems definitely more like hearsay rather than a direct quote.
I have an on-camera interview somewhere where he expresses how he regarded the whole thing as "rubbish." You have to remember, a distinguished actor of his repertoir who came from the old school era, all of this space fantasy technobabble mumbo-jumbo went completely over his head. He was an actor performing a job. He never understood the phenomenom it created nor would I expect him too. My Grandparents don't understand it and I've tried to make them watch the films and it went over their heads. They thought it was too fast paced visually to comprehend. It's definitely a generational thing. Future generations may have a similar reaction and regard Star Wars as antiquated slow-paced rubbish. To a degree, I think some of them do already.
customizerwannabe said:
The absolutely most overused, make me puke character...


Nail on the head bro !! Lando is my second choice....
Big Duke 6 said:
Nail on the head bro !! Lando is my second choice....

LANDO???? Them's fightin' words!!!:emperor

Lando rocks and is even cooler than Han (and Han is ice cold).
kodiak8658 said:
Old Yoda walked with a cane, but did VERY WELL against Count Dooku.

Different race, and much more "in tune" with the force than Obi was. Not that I am trying to get into an argument, just trying to help George cover his tracks. :)
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dekadentdave said:
Well he obviously can't have Midiclorians flowing through his cybernetic circuitry now can he? Guess Uncle George didn't think about that one when he came up with that BS explanation of the Force. :lol

Ahhhh! Midiclorians! .......Cringe! :banghead
I know who the most UNDERRATED character in the ENTIRE Star Wars Universe is.....I know I read this here somewhere so I'm not taking credit for it...... It's the Imperial guy that allowed C-3p0 andd R2-D2's escape shuttle to reach Tatooine in a ANH. If he ordered that shuttle destroyed , Star Wars would have been a different story.
I couldn't care less how Guinness felt about the work.

I seem to recall that he was into it while making the first movie, but I could understand how a great actor like him could resent the perception that one of his minor roles could end up defining him for a large group of people.

But it is no way a reflection on the character.

Ford seems a bit embarassed by his Star Wars work. Should that be reflected in our perception of Solo?
Re: Who is the most ove character in all of Star Wars?

dekadentdave said:
Well he obviously can't have Midiclorians flowing through his cybernetic circuitry now can he? Guess Uncle George didn't think about that one when he came up with that BS explanation of the Force. :lol

The truth is, no one would have taken issue with the original (and best) duel with Obi and Vader had Lucas not come up with the crockery of the PT. :lecture
Re: Who is the most ove character in all of Star Wars?

LOTRFan said:
The truth is, no one would have taken issue with the original (and best) duel with Obi and Vader had Lucas not come up with the crockery of the PT. :lecture

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

No one noticed in 1983 that Vader/Luke's duel was more exciting than Vader/Ben.

I know I didn't think it was cooler in '80 when Luke could seemingly fly to escape Vader's carbon-freezing trap. I know it wasn't amazing to me at the time how Vader used the Force to throw things at Luke during that duel.
carbo-fation said:
Personally, I thought Obi vs. Vader in the OT was pretty lame! But then again, I didn't see the first movie until about 7 years ago so......

.........uh? Now I feel old. Thirty years ago in a couple of months--- it hits home into the effect and influence it has had on some of us "old timers". The first lightsaber battle (old man and 3/4 cyborg regardless) is the best.
DarthNeil said:
.........uh? Now I feel old. Thirty years ago in a couple of months--- it hits home into the effect and influence it has had on some of us "old timers". The first lightsaber battle (old man and 3/4 cyborg regardless) is the best.

I saw it on initial release, and, to me, the Vader/Ben dueling is clearly tame compared to others.

The dialogue is great, but the physicality of the duel is so limited.
The ANH duel doesn't really have the emotion or intensity that the mother of all rematches should have. I'm sure Uncle George will rectify it in the Umpteenth Ultra Special Super Duper Edition someday. OR have Vader and Obi fight it out again in the TV series. Who knows....
Re: Who is the most ove character in all of Star Wars?

pickard said:
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

No one noticed in 1983 that Vader/Luke's duel was more exciting than Vader/Ben.

I know I didn't think it was cooler in '80 when Luke could seemingly fly to escape Vader's carbon-freezing trap. I know it wasn't amazing to me at the time how Vader used the Force to throw things at Luke during that duel.

Of course the subsequent fights were more impressive (most impressive :lol ); but without Dooku, Obi wouldn't have seemed so gimpy - or at least to me. Vader will always be Vader, and personally, I didn't find his "fighting" to be that amazing in either ESB or ROTJ; of course that says nothing for the "force propellents" :fart on Bespin.
pickard said:
I saw it on initial release, and, to me, the Vader/Ben dueling is clearly tame compared to others.

The dialogue is great, but the physicality of the duel is so limited.

Of course the physicality is limited-- it's an old man versus a bodybuilder who can't see correctly in a mask (& suit for that matter) that's very restrictive!

I wish people in this Michael Bay/MTV infused world would stop asking that every movie have Matrix-like special effects or Nicholas Cage with his free flowing mullet blowing in the breeze as he escapes from the massive fireball---

The ANH fight is iconic--- poetic--- and incredily moving. That big black &$## just killed Ben! Shoot the door, kid! He's advancing ominously--- after stomping on the old dirt encrusted robe first... Why do we need Vader to flip over Obi-Wan's head to which the old hermit does the splits and slices his lightsaber in a 180 before leaping up and going all karate kid?

This is why movies are no longer released with two characters seated somewhere talking with no camera cuts or flashbacks mixed in--- our attention spans couldn't handle it!!!

Every lightsaber fight is great for who is involved and what it is, but to downgrade the first and greatest simply because the two adversaries weren't hopped up on acid or rejects from a Jet-Li film is wrong (in my opinion)...

It was awesome when I sat in a darkened theatre 30 years ago and it's awesome every time I watch it now--- even though movie making techniques have gone futuristic to the extreme. Why is the OT better than the PT (and by the way, I love the PT)? Too many computers/fake people and not enough stuffy English actors walking down actual corridors with model parts glued to them to make them look spacey... That's real SW. And it always will be--- no matter how visually stunning the PT is and future projects will be.

Editorial--- over.
DarthNeil said:
Of course the physicality is limited-- it's an old man versus a bodybuilder who can't see correctly in a mask (& suit for that matter) that's very restrictive!

I wish people in this Michael Bay/MTV infused world would stop asking that every movie have Matrix-like special effects or Nicholas Cage with his free flowing mullet blowing in the breeze as he escapes from the massive fireball---

The ANH fight is iconic--- poetic--- and incredily moving. That big black &$## just killed Ben! Shoot the door, kid! He's advancing ominously--- after stomping on the old dirt encrusted robe first... Why do we need Vader to flip over Obi-Wan's head to which the old hermit does the splits and slices his lightsaber in a 180 before leaping up and going all karate kid?

This is why movies are no longer released with two characters seated somewhere talking with no camera cuts or flashbacks mixed in--- our attention spans couldn't handle it!!!

Every lightsaber fight is great for who is involved and what it is, but to downgrade the first and greatest simply because the two adversaries weren't hopped up on acid or rejects from a Jet-Li film is wrong (in my opinion)...

It was awesome when I sat in a darkened theatre 30 years ago and it's awesome every time I watch it now--- even though movie making techniques have gone futuristic to the extreme. Why is the OT better than the PT (and by the way, I love the PT)? Too many computers/fake people and not enough stuffy English actors walking down actual corridors with model parts glued to them to make them look spacey... That's real SW. And it always will be--- no matter how visually stunning the PT is and future projects will be.

Editorial--- over.

Very well said.
Darth Neil, if Star Wars '77 were the only movie you would be absolutely right. But in light of the other 5 films their needs to be consistency, which the present Ben vs. Vader duel does not have.

You are right there was a poetry to the fight originally. But that whole scene now (in context of the other 5 films, again) falls flat on drama. I love it too, but I could love it more. :monkey3
pixletwin said:
Darth Neil, if Star Wars '77 were the only movie you would be absolutely right. But in light of the other 5 films their needs to be consistency, which the present Ben vs. Vader duel does not have.

You are right there was a poetry to the fight originally. But that whole scene now (in context of the other 5 films, again) falls flat on drama. I love it too, but I could love it more. :monkey3

Well now we get into that muddy area of looking at the six films one after another--- and sorry, but there are too many oops moments of logic that Mr. Lucas' newfound movie making techniques caused him to have from the OT.

Here's what I know--- the fight in ROTS was between brothers--- one feeling completely helpless to deal with what happened to his younger brother and the other at the height of his newfound adrenaline rush of dark side--- it's a cacophony of violence--- an orgy to the senses and it ends in tragic bloodiness. The next time they meet (and fight) much time has passed and the young man filled with passionate hatred has seen and done much--- he's gorged himself at the table of the darkside and he's satiated his thirst. He wants revenge, but this is an old man he's facing. This isn't the Obi-Wan he knew--- and there's a testing out period--- you see it in their movement and in their dialogue (Have mercy! Imagine having dialogue in a sci/fi action movie!). Obi-Wan knows that this is his fate (Hamlet's fall of a sparrow lines to Horatio in V. ii.) and how can he avoid it? His death (or only fleshy kind) at the hands of Darth is inescapable--- why then should he fight with fury to stall it? Darth on the other hand is wondering when Obi-Wan will release his best... Here's the crucial bit--- he never does. He knows this is what Luke needs. He knows this is what the force needs to have balance. The one look that Alec Guiness gives is sublime and it does more than an entire conversation between Mace and Yoda to communicate what has to happen. He sacrifices so that the last jedi can be born... He's communicated with Qui-Gon all this time in his hermitage (as the PT told us)--- he's been preparing for the inevitable.

The ANH fight is the best... and nothing in it needs to be changed for continuity's sake. Now the elimination of Jar Jar and replacing Ewoks for Wookies--that's a whole new kettle of fish kiddies.