Who Saw Ghost Rider Thread

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Eli26 said:
Besides Blade III, I gotta agree with your dislike list. I absolutely was disgusted by the mediocrity that was Fantastic Four. Ghost Rider is pretty close to it.

yeah FF is a poor poor film

But I HATE that Blade III even more. I loved the first two. Like you I love Vampires an comics. Toss in some Kung Fu and I am sold.

However Blade III was more concerened about one liners and it's "uber" cool soundtrack. It fell so flat for me. I have given it a couple of repeated viewings to see if I could find something I like. There really is not much there for me. AND I HATE the Vampires in this one. Just a bunch of goofs. And Drac did nothing for me also. This is one of the few sequels that effected my enjoyment of the other films. Not sure why but it did. Perhaps it's because Blade is this super bad *** in one and two but really it does not take that much to kill a vampire as two regular mortals do it just as well as Blade.

What did you think of the TV show. I could not get into that show either.
Eli26 said:
Well, if we're doing favorite super hero movie lists from best to worst, here goes:

Spider-Man 2
Batman Begins
The Rocketeer (I loved this movie)
Blade (love vampires and comic-based movies (2 for 1))
Blade II
Batman (Burton)
Superman (Donner)
Superman 2
Superman Returns
Blade Trinity
The Punisher (Jane)
The Crow
V for Vendetta
The Shadow
The Hulk
Dare Devil
Batman Returns
Batman Forever
Batman and Robin
Ghost Rider
Elektra (saving grace is Jennifer Garner in tights)
Adam West Batman movie (It's so bad it's good, but not enough to see it more than once)
The Punisher (Lundren)
Fantastic Four *worst comic book movie I seen

Haven't and probably most likely don't plan on seeing it:


Pretty extensive list. What happened to Hellboy?
Everyone is forgetting the horribly CRAPTASTIC Captain America movie...


almost as bad as the TV movies!

Well, for what it's worth, I loved it! (How can a woman not love a flaming skeleton in leather? lol

I did go in knowing nothing, had read no reviews and expected a lot worse.

Found that I appreciated the kick-a$$ SFX, the absolutely perfect imagery, the humor, Cage... Just really enjoyed it. Worth seeing in digital projection, too. (Saw it in the Dome.)

And the gratuitous scene of him riding alongside the Western GR on horseback?
Looked so freakin' cool, I could of cared less about the story.

So there!
congerking said:
Got more funny stuff to add: *spoilers ahead*

1. So Sam Elliott said that he only had one ride left in him before he would "end". so he rode the entire way as a ghost rider, to just end up leaving after giving johnny a shotgun. why ride the way anyway?

2. the absolute lack of "power" that blackheart has. he just touches people and they turn all pale and die? come on, at least the elemental guys did something cool.

3. ghost rider's powers are just never explained. okay, he has the pennance stare, by WHY? why does the devil's bounty hunter have a power to forces people to judge themselves?

4. When he gets stab by a knife, he has to get stiches but if he gets shot a hundred times then he can walk perfectly fine

5. Why was the contract even considered lethal? His powers didn't seem to improve at all

6. I never knew that if you find a license plate then that meant you committed the crime

7. Why does mephistopheles keep making GR's if he can't control them and obviously taking their "soul" doesn't do anything

can't think of any more...

Dude, I agree with every single word you just wrote... Just not as good a film as it could have been.

My mind was swimming with imagery, cool stuff I was expecting to see.... But it just kept spiralling out of control and getting worse with every minute... I just wanted to leave after a while. Not a horrible film, but as I've said before.. Could have been much better if someone really tried to make it so.
I thought this was a better movie than the others have come out with. In my order, it would be this way:

X-Men 2
Spider-Man 2
Ghost Rider
Fantastic Four
Blade 3
Now that a few days have passed, and my initial reaction experience has worn off...
I doubt I'll buy the DVD. But, I did enjoy it.
Granted, my day was sucking, I was tired, and needed something funny. GR did fine. Well, Cage did. And, I enjoyed it.

But, to analyze this? Whew! Man...not worth the effort guys. Points of concern or whatever....too much for me. I left my brain at home, much less the door. Guess I had the advantage of not having any pre expectations of it.
(It was poorly edited....editing bothers me....but I ignored it...was too tired to care...)

As for these lists, lists are fun....

I'll only do my top and bottom five Superhero movies...

1: Batman Begins (RULES!)
2: Batman 1989 (Summed up the 80's!)
3: Superman 1 & 2 (Donner cut only!)
4: The Crow (summed up the 90's)
5: The Rocketeer (Was the 30's!)

least faves
5: Superman QfP
4: Batman & Robin
3: Superman III
2: Catwoman
1: That horrid Cap America.
JAWS said:
yeah FF is a poor poor film

But I HATE that Blade III even more. I loved the first two. Like you I love Vampires an comics. Toss in some Kung Fu and I am sold.

However Blade III was more concerened about one liners and it's "uber" cool soundtrack. It fell so flat for me. I have given it a couple of repeated viewings to see if I could find something I like. There really is not much there for me. AND I HATE the Vampires in this one. Just a bunch of goofs. And Drac did nothing for me also. This is one of the few sequels that effected my enjoyment of the other films. Not sure why but it did. Perhaps it's because Blade is this super bad *** in one and two but really it does not take that much to kill a vampire as two regular mortals do it just as well as Blade.

What did you think of the TV show. I could not get into that show either.

I didn't care for the TV show at all. Sticky Fingers didn't do it for me. Not surprisingly so, what's up with the name?

I loved Blade III because of the one liners and the banter between Ryan Renolds, Triple H the WWE wrestler, and Parker Posey. Plus, how can you hate any movie with Jessica Biel in it? That right there should score your movie some brownie points. More specificially the shower scene. Still, with all of that said, and with the weak performance the actor from Prison Break gave to the character and big bad, Drac, and a not so amazing performance either by Wesley Snipes that is why the movie is so low on my list. But I still enjoyed it. Definitely a 3 star movie.

As for Hellboy, I forgot about adding it to my list woodsy. Never read the comics, but I did enjoy the movie. Although I thought it was slow in certain parts. Still, if I remember what my list was, Hellboy would be pretty high on it.
IrishJedi said:

The Red Skull in the Cap movie was Italian - and I don't think he was even depicted as having anything to do with the Nazis. I only saw the movie once so I can't remember for sure - but I remember thinking - WTF!?
Saw the movie on Sunday. The special effects were top notch but the rest of the movie was crap! Nick Cage just brought nothing to the role and Eva Mendez was just as worthless.
Darth Kustomizer said:
Saw the movie on Sunday. The special effects were top notch but the rest of the movie was crap! Nick Cage just brought nothing to the role and Eva Mendez was just as worthless.

I actually thought the two younger actors were good and the movie would have been better had they just been used throughout. Ah, Hollywood...
When you guys are talking about the Fantastic Four movie, I assume you mean this version??


I loved it. Much better than I thought. The rider was done really well, and the Caretaker was just awesome in full GR gallop mode. I'm also impressed with the shape Nic Cage got into for the movie. That boy was ripped!
Natrix said:
When you guys are talking about the Fantastic Four movie, I assume you mean this version??



Seeing how this never had a release and is only a bootleg I did not add it to my worst list. But yeah that is a BAD movie.