Who's ordered Ilum Padme so far???

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Funny . . .wasn't this the most requested figure based on a poll at one point? I guess when reality hit, people are having a change of heart? Perhaps it's how it translated to reality. If so, people should be requesting changes to it.

I guess reason being the poll was for EU characters. I did buy anything thats from the movies.
I plan to swap the head with something more in line with a Brats doll as to make it look animated.

I will probably use this head to customize a ROTS Padme.

I wouldn't mind if SSC uses the same head sculpt for a ROTS Padme, as a matter of fact I wouldn't mind if its fitted to any Padme from the movies.
Hmmm. I ordered this cuz I really like the head sculpt but the outfit is not translating all that well. The blue fuzzy cottonballs just don't seem to fit in the "real" Star Wars universe. Costumes designed for cartoons are out of necessity more simplistic in nature since they have to be animated. But they can look out of place in the "real world". It would probably help to do an outfit that is more "inspired" by the original cartoon character instead of a very faithful reproduction.
Maybe she's suffering from Luke syndrome and the later versions will look better. Right now though, I'm fine not ordering her. Were there any pictures of her next to any other character for size comparison?
Easy pass for me. After reading this thread, I'm wondering who the heck voted for her in the first place. Seriously if they wanted to see a woman in a skin tight suit go rent Catwoman with Haley Berry and vote for some one else.
I ordered this one. It was in bad shape at the Con and I can see why folks would be hesitant to pick it up. That along with the fact that the moment for this figure has more than passed and it's not so hard to see why the response is what it is. That being said, in light of the fantastic changes SS has made in the recent offerings along with the outstanding redention of the Boush Leia, I think that once fully executed, this figure will be a worthy piece for any collection. I personally would have thought that they would have smoothed the joints enough to make the costume of spandex/lycra as I believe the vinyl will reak havoc with the SS joints and this figure will be mostly unposeable. Perhaps SS has something in mind for this. Hopefully they will.
I wouldn't say Boushh's outfit turned out better than the proto. Not even near.

The latex is weird. They should have made it out of a cotton material. Like what they would do with an Arena Padme.
The body suit needs to be made of lycra and the blue parts needs to be fluffier. Like this:

Kiss me deadly???? How young are you? (only a joke)

What about?

"I went to a party last saturday night,
I didn't get laid, I got in a fight,
Uh huh, it aint no big thing...."

Oh those early eighties are killing me!

I am 34. I was a teenager back then. I have that song on my iPod today.....good memories LOL.
I wouldn't say Boushh's outfit turned out better than the proto. Not even near.

The latex is weird. They should have made it out of a cotton material. Like what they would do with an Arena Padme.

Really?:confused: It seems most people have been quite happy with how the outfit turned out. Honestly, you're one of the few I've seen not like how the production outfit came out looking.

As far as Padme. I'll say it again. SS has stated there is going to be changes to Padme and I would guess the outfit is going to be one of them. :D
It seems most people have been quite happy with how the outfit turned out.

Really???? You must have missed the numerous negative comments about the clothing, especially the "camel toe". Its the headsculpt that saves this figure. Darker eyes and a touch off the top lip would make it a home run. However, the clothing needs radical changes, particularly the material.
Really???? You must have missed the numerous negative comments about the clothing, especially the "camel toe". Its the headsculpt that saves this figure. Darker eyes and a touch off the top lip would make it a home run. However, the clothing needs radical changes, particularly the material.

Uh...... I was talking about the Leia Boushh clothing in the item you quoted there. So if you're gonna rip please do it with the approriate quote. :rotfl

Padme's outfit does need to be tweaked which they said they will do. As if I haven't said that enough since SDCC. The face is a dead ringer and the pics in the preview you've seen are no place 2 as good as what it looks like in person or the regular con pics.