Who's ordered Ilum Padme so far???

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$59.95 would be a bargain!!

The body suit needs to be made of lycra and the blue parts needs to be fluffier. Like this:


THAT I would pre-order!
Uh...... I was talking about the Leia Boushh clothing in the item you quoted there. So if you're gonna rip please do it with the approriate quote. :rotfl

Padme's outfit does need to be tweaked which they said they will do. As if I haven't said that enough since SDCC. The face is a dead ringer and the pics in the preview you've seen are no place 2 as good as what it looks like in person or the regular con pics.

Sorry dude, my bad :stake . Just assumed you were talking about the Padme figure.
For a minute there I thought I had missed something b/c Boush arguably the best figure they've made to date in this line...though I think Asajj will give her some competition.

Yes, I think the phots show (i person even better) that this is still quit a work in progress....
I ordered her. She looks OK, so hopefully when the product shots are released the things I'm not too happy with will be fixed. Hopefully......
I ordered her, too. The sculpt is OK. I was hoping for a better Natalie Portman likeness, but then I realized this is really based on a cartoon, and not from the film, so I guess it doesn't need to look like Natalie. I've been so impressed with the sculpts lately, like Obi-Wan, Luke, Frodo, and Sam sculpts, that I guess I'm getting finicky...
Actually...I very much like the way the figure looks. And when they change the material of the outfit...It will be even better. Like every other Sideshow Star Wars and LOTR figure, she was a must for me.
I think is funny how Snow Bunny Padme is basically the counterpart to Slave Leia on the PT but this 12" figure has failed to generate the excitement that was expected. I also find it interesting that for all intents this piece sold out, but SS is refusing to cap some of these SDCC preorders so it remains open hence given the impression that a lot of people don't like (more than the ones that have been vocal about it).

Sideshow was trying to capitalize on the popularity of the GG maquette, but I think the GG Clone Obiwan demostrated that some cartoon based pieces should just be made as cartoon statues.
... I think the GG Clone Obiwan demostrated that some cartoon based pieces should just be made as cartoon statues.

I think the GG Clone Obi-Wan debacle demonstrated that the shipped item should be the same as the solicited item, since that's what people put their money down for.

There's no flaw in the concept of a realistic-looking item with cartoon roots. If the statue that shipped looked like the statue that was solicited, it would've been one of the best Star Wars items ever produced, IMO.
There's no flaw in the concept of a realistic-looking item with cartoon roots. If the statue that shipped looked like the statue that was solicited, it would've been one of the best Star Wars items ever produced, IMO.

It would have been a very nice piece that's for sure. All I am saying is that when the source for the piece is a cartoon, it becomes hard to complain about certain details. A lot of the stuff falls under "creative license" taken for some things. That said, Obi-Wan was a huge disppointment which amplified it's troubles.
Bottom line is this: the costume just doesn't translate well from the animated realm to the real-world. It just doesn't have the "Star Wars Universe" feeling to it. IMO. :D