That's why I said MGS2 is the best thing to happen to his character. That's the only time to me at least that he's actually his own man, MGS1 he was a pawn, and MGS4 he was just doing as he was told most of the time, then instead of getting a satisfying ending, Big Boss comes and steals his shine
I don't think neither guy is better than the other, there's a lot to like about both characters but Big Boss just seems more layered to me. I think MGS4 could have been the perfect game to flesh out Solid's characters, but instead he coughed, smoked, and hid in the corner for most of the scenes he was interacting with his comrades.
Maybe a MGS Philanthropy game might make me like Solid more.
Well, he didn't have a choice in MGS 1

Those are pretty much my complaints about MGS 4, too. I hated how Old Snake was used as an allegory for Kojima's retirement from the series... which never happened.